ESC - Trentino Social Tank

Would you like to volunteer in the field of social entrepreneurship, project management, education and sustainable development?

Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the Trentino Social Tank team starting from February 2023 for 10 or 11 months!

Trento. Italy

10 or 11 months starting from February 2023!

Organizzazione ospitante

Trentino Social Tank (TST) is a worker cooperative established in 2014 by four young colleagues and with the support of local organisations. Its aim is promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and business development in Trentino with a focus on the welfare and wellbeing sector, although we operate in different branches as well.

TST mainly carries out guidance and training services, in the belief that "business" and "work" are two dimensions that are strongly connected to each other, TST offers business services in the KIBS area (knowledge-intensive business services) and has already offered its consultancy services to approximately 170 Trentino companies. Since 2018 we have been included in the list of 18 national incubators with a high social impact as technical partner of Cariplo Factory and the Giordano Dell’Amore Social Venture Foundation.

Since 2014 it also runs a co-working space in the Gardolo district of Trento, mainly hosting freelancers and smart workers from international companies.


Proposed activities for the volunteer/s:

- Territorial cooperation and cohesion: development of the promotional activities of the “Economia Solidale” project (elaboration of the newsletter, webpage update, definition of the questions for interviews, preparation of the posts for social and articles, analysis of materials);

- Participation in the brainstorming and development of the creative activities (promotional materials, interviews, videos, leaflets), development of the editorial plan, ideas on how to promote Ecomonia Solidale project;

- Meetings with local community and stakeholders who make part of Economia Solidale, distirbuting promotional materials, monitoring of the interviews and interviewing local Trentino goods producers, taking part in the management of the “market of the solidarity economy”, participation in events and fairs, development of the promotional videos.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to be involved in parallel activities together with other volunteers hosted in other receiving organizations coordinated by InCo. The topic of the parallel activities will change according to the project. (Making games, organising events, exhibitions, etc.)

Numero di posti

1 volunteer

Requisiti per partecipare

You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you should preferably be an EU citizen.

You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in TST. The main criteria for selection are your motivation, interest to take part in the activities proposed, flexibility and open mind.


You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. You will live in a double room with shared bathroom, laundry facilities and a fully equipped kitchen with cooking facilities. You will share the apartment with other volunteers. The apartment is situated in the central area of the city of Trento with all necessary utilities around (supermarket, pharmacy, bus stop).

In terms of food allowance, the volunteers receive 200 euro per month.

Pocket money, according to the ESC guide standards in Italy are 150 euro per months (5 euro per day). Transport card is provided.

Cosa fare per candidarti

What you need to do to apply

For any information write an email to:

If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:

a) fill out this online Application form  (via Google Forms)

b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to

Informazioni su programma