Would you like to volunteer in an agroforesty environment?
Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the REGEN ETS team for 6 months starting any time!
Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
6 months starting any time
The activities will cover the following topics:
• Agroforestry management through pruning
• Production of biofertilizers, microrganisms inoculums and compost
• Logistics and kitchen helping during the workshops
• Tidying up and cleaning of the indoor and outdoor areas;
• Helping with meal preparation;
• Fruit harvesting;
• Plant reproduction;
• Helping managing (wild) grass;
• Helping taking care of the plant nursery;
• Support in eco building;
• Posting on social media and documenting with pictures;
Volunteers will come across:
• Permaculture design concepts (how ecosystems work and how to mimic them), ethics and
deepest motivation for ecological activism, design principles;
• Natural successions and agroforestry and its layers and related observation in the field and
pruning experience to manage an agroforest.
• How to manage an agro-forest through pruning and rational organization of organic matter;
• Plant nursery building and planting;
• Soil: introduction to composting and natural fertilization, hot compost pile, a worm
compost bin, biochar and biofertilizers;.
2 volunteers
Requirements for participation:
• Interested in the project’s activities;
• open-minded and curious;
• with a strong personality and interest in issues such as integration, legality and ecology;
• motivated;
• proactive, sociable and creative;
• 18-30 years old;
• knowledge of English or Italian;
• with a good ability to work in a team;
• from European countries.
Candidates who will fill a generic application form, with no details and without clear motivation will be not considered. Candidates who are applying only for the willing of travelling or just because would like to meet previous friends/boyfriend/girlfriend/relatives in Italy will not be considered.
Please consider that it is not allowed to have any other job activity during the project or to be beneficiary of any other European grant.
CONDITIONS: Please read carefully this document (both sending organizations and candidates):
New Information about projects coordinated by InCo_New conditions.pdf
- Candidates can apply just for 1 project, in case would like to apply for more projects, they are invited to send different application forms with clear explanation and motivation for each specific project.
- Email's subject must be: "ESC volunteering for [name of hosting organization]". Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
- Emails which do not follow the indications will not be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement.
- Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
The service will take place in the food forest of Regen Association in Palombaio (Bari; Italy).
During your stay you will live in shared rooms inside the project with other volunteers and staff.
The house on the farm provides us with a kitchen to cook our daily meals, which are healthy, mostly organic, self-grown and vegetarian. If you have any allergies or intolerances, special dietary needs, please inform us about it, so we can plan accordingly. It is our home and sacred space. It is important for us to know that you agree in spending so many days in such a simple basic way of life. The lodging choice will be always decided by InCo/Regen and it is not possible for you to choose your own accommodation.
In Regen the diet is vegetarian (close to vegan, sometimes we have cheese, soon we should have our eggs), mostly organic, as local as possible and with minimum packaging. We believe in critical consumption, and we don't want to forage industrial food as far as we can.
We understand that all of us have attachment to some comfort food, but we try to minimize it. So, we ask to not bring industrial food from outside like plastic bottled drinks, cans or chips. We are not super strict but it's important to share a direction and work together in the same one. So, space for "external" food will be minimized to one tray in the fridge and as little as possible for what doesn't go in the fridge.
Regen will buy the food (part of it is produced in our own farm) following the principles of critical consumption whenever possible, and the 3 meals will be prepared by the volunteers and by the members of the staff, organizing shifts, in our kitchen.
Please use plant based fully biodegradable toiletry (shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, etc.) so the water of the shower and the sink doesn’t harm nature.
So here the application procedure: (read and follow it carefully!)
1) Download, fill and send the application form here
2) Get deep information about ESC and its conditions; read as much as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and the city where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;
3) Contact your Sending Organisation
4) Discuss the opportunity with your sending organisation, checking the opportunities offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you! In case of doubts, write us an email, we will be happy to help you.
Our email is: