Would you like to volunteer with students from 14 to 19 years old?
Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the Scuola ITET team for 10 months starting from September 2024!
Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
From September 2024 for 10 month
As a volunteer, you will have the chance to support the teachers and staff, enriching the daily
activities of the students. You can:
• take part of organization and promotion extracurricular activities: language workshops, sport and cultural activities, leisure and free time events, laboratory, trips and excursions, etc...,
• get involved in several projects about formal and informal learning,
• support the staff and teachers to train their foreign language skill,
• promote the international dimension of each activity bringing your own culture and attitude,
• support students with fewer opportunity and disability during their daily school activities, such as: homework, physical activities, self-confidence, etc...,
• support all the students or those who would like to be thought foreign language conversation and international project,
• support students who are going to graduate in orienteering,
• support teachers in their activities in International projects like Erasmus+KA2 Multilateral
• teach about your own culture and the opportunity of mobility abroad for students.
2 volunteers
Requirements for participation:
- Candidate should be over 18 years old and registered to the ESC portal ;
- Must be very motivated and committed to the voluntary activity;
- Interested in the topic of the project;
- A minimum B1 level of English. Knowledge of italian language is a plus
Candidates who will fill a generic application form, with no details and without clear motivation will be not considered. Candidates who are applying only for the willing of travelling or just because would like to meet previous friends/boyfriend/girlfriend/relatives in Italy will not be considered.
Please consider that it is not allowed to have any other job activity during the project or to be beneficiary of any other European grant.
CONDITIONS: Please read carefully this document (both sending organizations and candidates):
New Information about projects coordinated by InCo_New conditions.pdf
- Candidates can apply just for 1 project, in case would like to apply for more projects, they are invited to send different application forms with clear explanation and motivation for each specific project.
- Email's subject must be: "ESC volunteering for [name of hosting organization]". Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
- Emails which do not follow the indications will not be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement.
- Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. The volunteer will live in a shared flat with other volunteers in the city of Molfetta. A double room will be provided at the disposition of the volunteer.
The volunteer will receive a monthly amount of money (150€) to sustain of food expenses.
Pocket money
You will receive 120,00 € per month as Pocket money, directly from your coordinating organization (usually at the beginning of each following month). You will receive the aforementioned amount of pocket money even for your holidays. However should you decide to terminate your project before your voluntary service finishes officially, you won’t be able to receive your pocket money anymore. The pocket money (and food allowance) is eligible to the exactly amount of EVS activity days.
So here the application procedure: (read and follow it carefully!)
1) Download, fill and send the application form here
2) Get deep information about ESC and its conditions; read as much as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and the city where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;
3) Contact your Sending Organisation
4) Discuss the opportunity with your sending organisation, checking the opportunities offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you! In case of doubts, write us an email, we will be happy to help you.
Our email is: