DEE-Geays: Digital Education Era: Global Citizenship Education for Activating online Space

"DEE-Geays: Digital Education Era: Global Citizenship Education for Activating online Space" was a KA2 Strategic partnership project in the field of youth, funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and Agenzia Nazionale Giovani - ANG.
Started in 2021, the project was coordinated by Associazione InCo Interculturalità & Comunicazione APS, and developed together with the following international partners:
- Danish Youth Team (Denmark)
- Association for European Cooperation Development and Communication (Belgium)
- Association for Research Education and Development Marketing Gate Skopje (The Republic of North Macedonia)
- KERIC, občianske združenie (Slovakia)
- Fundacion Xul Para La Comunaicationsocial Y El Desarrollo (Spain)
The project’s main objective was to capitalize existing knowledge, experience and creativity potential of the youth work sector for creating an innovative digital tool that allows exploiting ICT for providing quality learning activities online. We proposed to develop an innovative digital tool that offers virtual learning rooms for NFE activities with a pool of dynamic audio-visual materials (video tutorials, recordings, podcasts) that can be used by both the youth workers and by individual learners.
Throughout the 2-year project, ended in 2023, the partnership developed 4 Intellectual Outputs in order to reach DEE-Geays' aims and objectives:
- IO-1: joint desk research on Global Citizenship Education and Social-Emotional Learning, to illustrate information about the implementation and the current state of non-formal education for Global Citizenship Education with a specific focus on Social Emotional Learning. DOWLOAD THE JOINT DESK RESEARCH!
- IO-2: joint desk research on digitalization of non-formal learning methods
- IO-3: development of the methodology for labs on GCE-SEL with focus on potential digitalization of this non-formal educaation methodology. DOWNLOAD IT HERE!
- IO-4: A virtual library on GCE-SEL methods targeted to both learning providers (youth workers) and individual learners (young people) and digitalize outputs of the local labs. For this, a series of educational podcasts from 5 episodes on GCE-SEL were created by all partner countries.
- IO-5: the partnership created an online platform for non-formal e-learning. FIND IT HERE
- Find the project on Facebook
- Website:
- Digital Platform