Capacity Building

Capacity-building projects are transnational cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organizations active in the youth field coming from the Program and Partner Countries. They can also involve organizations in the fields of education and training, as well as other socio-economic sectors.
Youth capacity-building projects aim to:
- Cultivate cooperation and exchanges in the youth field between Program Countries and Partner Countries from 200 different regions in the world;
- Improve the quality and recognition of youth work, non-formal education and volunteering in the Countries Partners and strengthen their synergies and complementarity with other education systems, labor market and society;
- Support the development, testing and use of mobility schemes and programs for non-formal learning at regional level, for example within and between different regions of the world;
- Promote transnational mobility programs for non-formal learning between Program and Partner Countries, especially for young people with fewer opportunities, with the aim of improving the level of competences of the participants and supporting their active participation in society.