New EVS opportunities in Germany

The Steinbeis Innovation Centre "European Projects" is accredited as a coordinating and sending organisation within the EVS-program, for hosting volunteers it is cooperating with several organisations of the german social and health care system. The Centre is located in Freiburg: these EVS vacancies are only for european citizens living in Italy!
For the deadline of 1st of April there are still some places free in the following projects:
- 2009-DE-128 Stiftung Körperbehinderten-Zentrum Oberschwaben: Project start in September 2010, duration 9 to 12 months;
- 2009-DE-129 IWO, Sheltered workshop for Disabled, Weingarten: Project start in July 2010, duration 9 to 12 months;
- 2007-DE-85 Residential Home for the Elderly St. Nikolai at Waldkirch: Project start in August / September 2010, duration 9 to 12 months;
- 2009-DE-145 Sheltered Workshop for Disabled at Schramberg: Project start in July / August 2010, duration 9 to 12 months;
- 2008-DE-118 Foundation St. Franziskus Heiligenbronn, School for the Sensorial Disabled: Project start in September 2010, duration 11 months (for this project we are looking for a female volunteer);
- 2008-DE-157 St. Josefshaus Herten for disabled people: Project start in September 2010, duration 12 months.
Volunteers are expected to have basic skills in german language, for school projects an intermediate level would be better-
To apply send us your cv and a motivation letter in English at the email address: by March, 29th!