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A 6 mesi dall’inizio, a 6 mesi dalla fine...

Francesca Germany volontaria Germania volunteer
Francesca is doing her ESC project in Magdeburg (Germany) with Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Volunteering in Padova!

padova Mareike Lara Paula Philip volunteering
Mareike, Lara, Paula and Philip are doing their volunteering program at Università degli Studi di Padova at the Ufficio Servizio agli Studenti - Settore Inclusione.Un progetto in collaborazione con Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste - ijgd!

Therese's experience!

therese germania volontaria
Therese, who is 18, is doing her volunteering project through  Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste - ijgd


sagar ghimire trento volunteer
Preface: I haven’t finished Anna Karenina yet. I am disappointed and a little bit ashamed. Now, back to the blog!

April’s fools, aka us // Bare with me this is a long one

Reme Torrico Trento Volunteer
Reme's March was far from perfect but she still found some positives. Now April is here and she has a few assigments for herself welcoming a new age. 

Hitting a new low

Laura Kroworsch Trento Volunteer
Sometimes the volunteering experience is hard and you have to face unexpected challenges, as Laura tells in this blog post. 

“Non una di meno”, an approach to different...

article Giornata internazionale della donna Reme Torrico Trento volunteer
…The streets of Trento showed a strange air of celebration as the city got covered in yellow flowers, that was the first source of confusion for me, a Spanish volunteer in Trento. For me, the 8th of march was purple, as so I thought was on the rest of the...


Marta Forcada Volunteer Bolzano
Marta updates us on the current situation in Bolzano and how her volunteering has helped her to make decisions about her formation. 

Ode to ... Blabliblabla:

Juliette L'her Trento volunteer
Juliette wrote a last minute piece in which she had time to tell us about her experience reaching the middle of her volunteering project and even had time to mock Sagar's piece from last week. 

my 6 months in Molfetta

My name is Eszter Juhász and I'm from Hungary. I have lived in Molfetta for six months from September in the famous "cifarelli house".