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Training course a Bystrzyca Klodzka (Polonia)

Polonia ESN Erasmus+ SVE Italia
"La fortuna è cieca..." diceva Freak Antoni ed io non posso che confermare questa affermazione. Perchè? semplicemente perchè questa volta ho avuto molta fortuna. Sono Denny Paparella, un ragazzo di 27 anni di Bari che dopo la laurea in Scienze...

From L'Arche Cork..

Cork Kenya MTV Brasile
Sono già trascorsi tre mesi qui a Cork e il tempo sembra volare!Per chi non lo sapesse, sono qui per svolgere un progetto MTV presso L’Arche, una comunità che si occupa di persone con disabilità mentale. Mi hanno accolta la tipica pioggerella e il cielo...

"Train the Trainer" a Cipro

Formazione Cipro Europa
Ciao a Tutti! scrivo da Bisceglie (BT) al rientro di un'esperienza formativa unica! Sono stata a Cipro 7 giorni per il training "Train the trainer". Si tratta in sintesi di un corso che offre tecniche e metodologie pratiche per insegnare agli...

Un corso strutturato per tornare studenti

Intercultural Studenti Erasmus+ InCo
Seppur parte dello staff di InCo ormai da sempre, quest'anno ho deciso di prendere parte per la prima volta ad un corso strutturato sui fondi Europei, grazie al finanziamento messo a disposizione dall'Agenzia Nazionale INDIRE. Ebbene si, non si finisce mai...

More than a year in 12 months: the EVS-experience

Belgium MentalDisorders EVS Erasmus+
I literally cannot express by words how much I owe to this experience.After university I decided to live abroad for a year. I had heard about the EVS program from a friend: she made her experience in Belgium with mental disordered people, and I am very grateful for...

La primera experiencia en Italia, Bolzano 29-2/09/2016

YouthExchange Bolzano Italia Guatemala
Quiero hablar un poquito de todas de las cosas mas importantes para mi.Tener la oportunidad de viajar para conocer mas culturas es sin duda un logro, en Guatemala la situación de pobreza y desigualdad aumenta cada día mas, no existen posibilidades para los...

V. day: Every rain is followed by sun

Spain Italy Bosnia YouthExchange
We started the fifth day earlier than usually. We went to the city to visit two job agencies, Umana and Eures. In Umana, we discussed about what to write in our CVs and what we should and shouldn't do during job interviews. After that, we went to Eures, where we...

IV. day: Life and work

youth exchange Bosnia Italy Spain
The day started with an entertaining game that was about sitting on chairs when the music stopped. There was one chair less than persons, so in every round the person who was on his/her foot, lost the game. Then, the coordinators made groups to talk about our...

III. Day: Meeting bad/good sides of starting and running...

Bosnia Spain Italy YouthExchange
We started our day with choosing photos that represent our dream job. We formed groups and discussed our wishes /dream job by answering to the questions that we got on paper. Later, we formed different groups and we all got assignments, so we had to prepare a list...

II. day: Let's check our abilities!

YouthPass Lego Erasmus+ Italy
After a good breakfast we had to get some energy and so we did a dancing game together. After we talked about our strengths and weaknesses, and also our opportunities and threats provided by our environment. We had a deep discussion about them and we tried to...


YouthExchange Trento Erasmus+
Here we are in Villazzano, a little part of Trento, at the bottom of the mountains. In this adventure participate a group of Italian, another of Bosnian people, and finally our group which is Spanish.After all of us arrived, this trip has begun.

Danimarca nel cuore: un anno di SVE.

Danimarca SVE Erasmus+
Ciao a tutti!!!mi chiamo Lisa e qualche mese fa ho terminato la mia esperienza di volontariato all'estero in Danimarca. Un anno intensissimo e ricco di emozioni.