Blog dei volontari
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My life in Italy
My name is Kristina Schwarz, I am 19 years old and I am form Austria. I did my voluntary service in Italy, more precisely in Molfetta.I had the opportunity to get to know the everyday life of a teacher and a kindergarten teacher. My project gave me the opportunity...
L'esperienza ESC di Simone in Slovenia
Hi! Here in Park Istra everything is going well: during these weeks I have met a lot of new friends and I have learned a lot of new things.
My gap year
Hello everyone, I’m Paulina, 19 years old from Germany and currently volunteering in an elderly peoples home in Bolzano were I spend the days doing free time activities for the elderly people such as playing games, listening to music, going on an...
La bella Italia - Volunteering in Northern Italy
Ciao a tutti! My name is Lena. I am 20 years old and I am from Germany. I have been in Italy for eight months now and I am working in a youth center. This youth center is located in the town of Pergine Valsugana (near Trento), where I also live. In my apartment I...
Who would have said to the Esther that arrived last June to a small town in the region of Trentino-Alto Adige that the year she has just started it’s almost over. A year that meant a lot, in every sense that you could think of. But let’s start from the beginning.
A river full of memories
Ciao!I am sitting on a bench by the river. The sky is blue, the sun is shining. Slowly it becomes spring. Slowly it becomes spring. I am sitting here thinking about the last months in Italy and about what I could write in this testimonial.My name is Luisa. I’m 22...
"La scelta della mia vita di cui non mi pentirò mai"
Ciao, sono Beatrice e sto svolgendo il mio progetto ESC di un anno a Lipsia, in Germania.
Time is running!!! – Volunteering in Trento
Hello everyone, I'm Nina, 18 years old, from Germany. After finishing high school I wanted to do a gap year abroad. I decided to do an ESC voluntary service at the Comenius middle school. Now I'd like to tell you a bit about my experiences, since half of my time...
From Rita’s eyes
Hey everybody,I’m Rita, 19 years old, from Germany. My project here in Italy (Bolzano) started already 5 months ago, since then I’m working at an elderly peoples home where I’m helping out with the animation/free time activities.
Nikolay's Adventure
8 Febbraio 2023
Giovedi23PMCaro Diario, I've been here only for a couple of months but I already can tell I love the Nature in and around Trento. I arrived in November 2022 and I could feel the cold Winter approaching, but that didn't stop me from visiting the...
Deniz’s Journey
I am Deniz, At the age of 24. I was at the very beginning of life. I wanted to leave some memories of my youth to remember. However, I wanted these memories to be a plus for me, so I met Inco! And now i am currently volunteering at a nursing home in Bolzano,...