APPLY NOW! Blog dei volontari
Before I applied to my project, volunteering in high school in Molfetta for ten months, I read this blog from previous volunteers, and it helped me so much.
And now, one year later, I am the one who is writing it. :D

So hello, my name is Sandra, and I am 20 years old. I started to study in Germany but paused my studies to come to Molfetta.
If you are thinking about going abroad and applying, this is your sign to do it!!
You will get so many new impressions and gain new experiences that will last forever.
This year, I made many new friends, traveled through all of Italy, got to know how it is to work as a German, English, and sports teacher in a high school, learned so much about the cultural differences and similarities, improved my English a lot, learned Italian, and successfully survived living in a house with 10 other volunteers. :D
If you want to see some more impressions, check out this Instagram page! I did with another volunteer: @volunteeringinitaly