"I feel like this is life, going out to see and try new things and meeting people" - Lisa volunteering in Italy Blog dei volontari

10/05/2024 Mateusz Przybylski

Ciao, I'm Lisa from Germany and I've spent 8 months volunteering here in Trento. Things have changed a bit since I wrote my last testimony.

One fact is that Trento now feels more like home. Reasons for this include new people who have come into my life, with whom I can spend my free time and have unforgettable experiences. I've also grown closer to the ones I already knew. For example, my roommate, who is always like a big sister to me, or my colleague from work who also lives in my flat.

It's true that language contributes a lot to the well-being in a place. I feel that I can express myself a bit better now, but I must say that I still have problems understanding and speaking. At work, I now understand quite well how things work. I've become more independent while processing my tasks. I'm still treated very kindly by my colleagues and people around me, and I'm very happy about my decision to come to Italy for this experience. I feel like this is life, going out to see and try new things and meeting people.