III. Day: Meeting bad/good sides of starting and running a business Blog dei volontari
We started our day with choosing photos that represent our dream job. We formed groups and discussed our wishes /dream job by answering to the questions that we got on paper.
Later, we formed different groups and we all got assignments, so we had to prepare a list of questions for entrepreneurs.

We all made a list with our groups, and we listened to instructions about the plan to our interview with the entrepreneurs.
After lunch, we started our trip to Trento. Each group had meetings in different hours, so we separated and some people immediately started to work while others went for a coffee/walk.
We asked the entrepreneurs our questions and got a lot of answers and advices for our futures. We had to collect and sum up the answers for our presentation that we had to do on the next day.
Later, we met with other participants and went for a walk to explore more parts of Trento.
At 19.30 we met on the Piazza for a dinner, where we ate lot of good pizza and enjoyed nice company. After dinner we moved on to a small bar, where we all had a drink and connected even more with each other.
Irma, Lejla and Vedran from Bosnia