Blog dei volontari
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Bella Italia
Ciao,Sono Rebekka :)As a child, I visited Italy several times for vacation. That’s when my love for this wonderful country started. And now, I am actually living here. The first few days felt a bit like a vacation, but now I’m happy to gain deeper insights...
Italian chapter of life
Hello, my name is Bogna. I am from Poland and I am 29 years old. I started my ESC project in Trento, Italy, 6 months ago in September. I am doing my project in InCo - an NGO organisation that promotes international exchanges and manages several international...
From Casa Lamar with love
Hi, I' m Félix, im 24 years old and im from Spain. I'm currently doing a volunteer program in Italy, and I'm really enjoying the experience. I love discovering new places, connecting with nature, and embracing unconventional experiences that give me a sense of freedom.
Diving into a new country
Ciao, mi chiamo Lukas.
I‘m 18 years old and I come from the south of Germany.
Since September I live in Bolzano, a beautiful town in the north of Italy. Here I‘m doing my volunteering service in a house for elderly people.
Testimonianza CES Arianna Prudel - Pamplona, Spagna
¡Hola! I am Arianna, 23, from Caldonazzo, a small village near Trento. I am currently
writing from Pamplona, Spain, where I am living for a year as part of my volunteerproject with the European Solidarity Corps.
4 Months in Bolzano
Ciao!My name is Ilke. I’m 27 years old and I come from Istanbul, Turkey. I had started learning Italian and chose to come here to improve. I do volunteering at Casa di Riposo Don Bosco, a care home for the elderly.
“Immer mit dem Gefälle !”
Hey, my name is Bjarne. I’m 19 years old and from Germany. After graduating from high school this summer, I chose to spend a year volunteering abroad. Italy was my top choice, as I’ve always wanted to learn this language in particular and have always been...
Collecting memories
Hi, my name is Nora, I’m 19 years old and I come from the south-west of Germany. I am volunteering at the young Caritas in Bolzano for eleven months.
My experience in my volunteer year so far
Ciao, my name is Melisa I'm from the south of Germany and I'm doing volunteer work in Don Bosco a house for elders in Bolzano.
Beginning of Italian journey of Himmet
Hello,I am from Turkey. I am a volunteer at VKE in Bolzano. It has been 1 month since I have arrived.