(4)EVERGREEN: Finding the Environmental Value in Education Response: Global Responsibility & Erasmus Navigator

Sei interessato/a alla tematica della sostenibilità? Ti piacerebbe scoprire come le associazioni giovanili possono "essere green" e come rivolgersi ai giovani per promuovere la sostenibilità, soprattutto tramite social media?
Questa formazione intercontinentale all'interno del progetto di capacity building (4)EVERGREEN può fare al caso tuo!
Dal 11 al 20 dicembre 2021
(4)EVERGREEN will bridge 2 programme objectives– to support awareness raising on the environmental and climate goals and taking up innovative practices in a digital era. The project main aim thereafter is to contribute to the just and inclusive transition to sustainable living throughout empowering youth work sector across the globe to raise awareness on environmental issues by personal example and digital tools – the language of young people. The specific objectives are:
- To build capacity of consortium and foster networking and cooperation of the youth work sector on global level in terms of environmental-responsible and sustainable living education;
- To provide participating youth workers with knowledge, skills & attitudes necessary for sustainable living education and support their professionalization in the area;
- To build enabling environment for creating together best practices on how youth workers can be themselves ambassadors of sustainable living;
- To contribute to the Union’s pool of learning recognition tools throughout creation & promotion of the GreenBadges – learning badges system focused on acquainting sustainable living skills and attitudes and promotingthese attitudes during Erasmus+ activities: at long term perspective badges can be used in any in-country or learning mobility, as part of ESC TEC;
- To create a catalogue of “planet-friendly” tips that can be incorporated into daily life of youth organizations and young people across the globe;
- To promote responsible and sustainable living on the personal example of the youth workers and their organizations;
- To explore potential of the digital tools & gamification in reaching youth via“online challenge”;
- To practically contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal, Our planet – Our future Union youth initiative, European Youth Goals – Goal n.10 – Sustainable Green Europe, 2030 SDG strategy of UN.
The training course will be based on the specific needs of the participants and partner organizations, and will be highly participatory. Diversity, e.g. in the group of participants, will be considered as a resource for the exchange and transfer of competences, as well as special attention is paid to the intercultural dimension of the project. The facilitators will take care of creating a supportive learning environment, where participants are encouraged and coached while mastering challenges that contribute to their personal, professional and organizational development. The learning takes place both on individual level as well as in synergetic group processes.
Methods: non-formal learning methods: group, pair and individual discussions, brainstorming, buzz groups, debates, energizers, presentations, etc.
What you will do during the training
- Present your country: The country presentation could include teaching the group the national dance, a quick quiz, videos etc.
- Presentation of your organization and its activities;
- Presentation of Best practices of your organization/in your country on Environmental and Sustainable Education;
- 45 minutes workshop related to Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental problems, sustainable living that you will do with the participants of our training;
- 3 energisers
- Essere maggiorenni
- Essere giovani, motivati
- Essere interessati alla tematica
Participants will be accommodated and do the activities in the “Zeus is Loose” Hostel, in the very heart of the city center. You will be accommodated in rooms of 4 with private bathrooms according the gender. Towels and hair dryer will be provided by the hostel.
You will have breakfast, lunch and dinners in the restaurant “Mama’s Tapper” opposite the hostel. Food served will be Mediteranian (Greek) style.
International travel costs are covered.
Per candidarsi, mandare una mail a anya.ivanova@incoweb.org allegando CV e breve lettera di motivazione in inglese.