EVS placement for February's deadline: VOLUNTEERS WANTED - CLOSED

InCo is ready for the first deadline of ERASMUS+ for the year 2015! Available placements are listed below with some details about the profile requested.
Please check specific details about each Receiving Organization (link to the EVS database directly on the name of each Receiving Organization):
> Azienda Servizi Sociali Bolzano (ASSB): 2 vacancies available; starting date September 2015 and lasting 12 months. Bolzano is a bilingual city (Italian and German are official languages and used in everyday life). Activities with elderly people.
> Civica di Trento: 2 vacancies available; starting date October 2015 and lasting 12 months. Project located in Trento. Activities with elderly people.
> Centro Trentino Solidarietà : 2 vacancies available, starting date June 2015 and lasting 6 months. Project located in Trentino and dealing with people facing addiction problems and offering assistance to people with AIDS.
> Caritas Bolzano: 2 vacancies available, starting date July 2015 and lasting 12 months. Bolzano is a bilingual city (Italian and German are official languages and used in everyday life). Several activities in Caritas are carried out in German and therefore, volunteers with a basic knowledgeof German and/or Italian are preferred to facilitate volunteer's integration.
The project foresees parallel activities involving volunteers of the 4 Receiving Organizations. Volunteers will implement together activities aimed at raising awareness regarding the issue of social exclusion and in particular of people facing difficulties because of economic, social, addiction or age reasons. Moreover, volunteers will promote the EVS in schools and in organizations dealing with youngsters with fewer opportunities. Indeed, we have noticed that few of those youths are involved in EVS projects.
ATTENTION: regarding activities with elderly people - they are very nice and there is space to develop own ideas and initiatives but the life of elderly people also involves sometimes loneliness, illness, dementiaand death (so you have to be open and prepared to this).
Get inspired and read some of our ex-volunteers' testimonies !
Still interested? So here the application procedures: (read them and follow them carefully!)
1) send us an email with the subject "EVS application InCo: NAME OF THE RECEIVING ORGANIZATION". Thus, for example: "EVS application InCo: Caritas" (emails without the specific subject won't be included in the selection process)
2) InCo will answer you sending a specific form for the organization chosen
3) get deep information about EVS and its conditions; read as much as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and the city where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;
4) contact your sending organization. We won't accept application done by volunteers directly, only through sending organizations!;
5) discuss the opportunity with your sending organization checking the opportunities offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you! In case of doubts, give us a call! We will be happy to help.
6) ask your sending organization to send us an email with your application attaching the form together with the CV with picture. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through sending organizations). Again email's subject must be: "EVSapplication InCo throughSending Organization:NAME OF THE RECEIVING ORGANIZATION". Thus, for example: "EVS application InCo through SendingOrganization: Caritas" . Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
The deadline to apply is the 15th of December 2014. Our email is: sve@incoweb.org
If you would like to apply to more than one vacancy, applications must be done separately – the documents and evaluation must be specific in different emails with proper subject.
Emails which don't follow the indications won't be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
Good luck :-)