Infopack CLAD

Infopack for you!
Cooperativa CLAD - Terlizzi
Dear applicant!
Thank you for your interest in our project! In this little document you can find all the information which can be useful before applying.
Contact person: Luigi Balacco, project coordinator (
Hosting organisation: CLAD
Some words about Molfetta
The cooperative CLAD is located in the municipality of Terlizzi, a medium size town in the centre of Apulia Region. Terlizzi has around 28.000 inhabitants and its economy is historically linked to agriculture, in fact it is known as the "city of flowers" because of its important crops of flowers and greenhouses.
Founded around the sixth century AD, the town derives its name from Terlicium, "place placed among the oaks", which are developed very much in the area. In addition to flowers, Terlizzi's economy is particularly related to textile companies, companies processing agricultural products and crafts, and in particular the production of ceramics and pottery.
The climate is generally quite and poor of rain, although the temperature changes are fast and short, due to the wind from the Balkan area. In spite of the fact that our area has good road, railways, air and maritime facilities, and that it has strategic links with the East-Mediterranean and Balkan countries, it is quite distant from the so-called heart of Europe.
Apart for the headquarters of Terlizzi the CLAD generally takes part to many other projects and social activities with organizations in other towns around the Province of Bari, for example in Ruvo and Molfetta (7 km far away)
During the national/local holidays important roles play in the city traditions and religious happening such as Easter processions and rituals, the flowers trade fair, the event of the chariot of the Virgin Mary.
Cooperativa CLAD
It is a no-profit association, a no-profit organization evolving in "social cooperative" in 2008. Clad carries out its first activities targeting drugs addicted families trought "self-helping" groups, thanks to the support of a very active group of volunteers. The cooperative manages also the educational and health social care services and can undertake different activities addressed to the integration in the job market of people with fewer opportunities.
Proposed activities for volunteers
1) Project “Sinergie”
- Social and cultural activities for treatment and reabilitation of youngsters and adults: theater labs
- Relational support activities: support the staff in counselling and being part of groups of "self-helps", training paths for the prevention of users from addictions.
2) Service of support, counseling and administrative advises for immigrants in order to complete the relevant bureaucratic papers;
3) Service of support and assistance for consumers in cooperation with the association "Progetto Icaro".
4) Project "Orizzonti": support the staff in the following laboratories:
- Path of Movement-Therapy and introduction to Sport
- Didactics lab
- Art and handcraft lab
- Laboratory "Love to Animals"
- ICT lab
- "Do-It-Yourself" laboratory
- Counseling on site
5) "Open Labs" project:
- Offering relation opportunities, hold and keep them among people;
- Promoting self-confidence;
- Education to the proper use of free time;
- Training to self-control: impulsive control, ability to communicate according rules; ability to delay gratification in relation to a future satisfaction; creation, respect and motivation of rules.
->Painting lab
-> Game lab
Food and accommodation
The volunteers will live either inside:
- a flat together with 2 volunteers, in the city of Molfetta (double room)
- or in a flat with other InCo staff in the city of Terlizzi (double room)
The lodging choice will be always decided by InCo. For both lodging options, volunteers will have to respect the rules of the structure and the environment where they live.
There are possibilities for the volunteers to have their meal at home, which is fully furnished with kitchen. So in this case an additional amount of money will be provided corresponding to 150 euros.
Useful links
Here you can find the website of InCo:
Here the website of Terlizzi:
If you would like to know more about the EVS experience, check out the blog of the volunteers: