Infopack InCo-Molfetta

Infopack for you!
Associazione InCo - Molfetta
Dear applicant!
Thank you for your interest in our project! In this little document you can find all the information which can be useful before applying.
Contact person: Luigi Balacco, project coordinator (
Hosting organisation: Associazione InCo - Molfetta
Some words about Molfetta
Associazione InCo has a local office in Molfetta, a community of Apulia. Molfetta has 60.000 inhabitants and its economy is historically based on fishing and agriculture. In the last 20 years an industrial area, still enlarging, has been settled. The climate is generally quite and poor of rain, although the temperature changes are fast and short, due to the wind from the Balkan area. In spite of the fact that our area has good road, railways, air and maritime facilities, and that it has strategic links with the East-Mediterranean and Balkan countries, it is quite distant from the so-called heart of Europe. Molfetta is known in the last years for an important growth in terms of commercial activities and attractions, thanks to the recent creation of a huge commercial area (outlet and shopping mall), provided of shops, national chains, outlet, luna park, hard discount, cinemas and so on. At the same time in the old city town many restaurants, clubs, bars, and youth centres are very crowed during the weekend and in the evening.
During the national/local holidays an important role play the traditions and religious events in the city such as the easter processions, the trade fair in September and the live nativity scenes in Christmass time.
Associazione InCo - Molfetta
It is a no-profit association, born at unformal level in 2013, thanks to a group of members moving to Apulia region after many mobility experiences. The aim of the association is to promote and support mobility abroad, contacts, exchanges and meetings at international level; to promote mutual tolerance and intercultural sensitivity among young people; to support the unformal process of European integration in our community. In addition InCo-Molfetta activities are addressed to create intercultural abilities and non-formal competences for all the participants.
Proposed activities for volunteers
a) Actively support the preparation and implementation of meetings, infodays, seminars (in cooperation with schools and institution), pre-departure trainings, on-arrival trainings, monitoring and final evaluation for sending and hosting participants (in InCo office and in other locatios).
b) Cooperation in organizing training sessions and freetime activities of outgoing senior italian volunteers and incoming foreign volunteers.
c) Cooperation to prepare and manage the events of the “Estate Molfettese” festival, the “Spring of Sport” and other public events in the city
d) Suppoort the staff in the creation of documents (letters, tables, email) specially in the framework of the programs MTV, Au Pair, IJFD.
e) Communication activities: website updating, translation of news, Facebook page, cooperation to the drafting of newsletter, creation of flyers etc.
d) Cooperation in the implementation of supporting material for other youngsters (updating and improving of leaflets, information brochures, developing of photoalbum about projects, guidelines for using the blog, etc…)
e) Possibility to organize and manage short courses (to be held in InCo office or CSV or in the partner school sites): music, handcraft, languages, etc…
f) Participation to the project “The Welcome Hostel” during the months of August and September and its organization during the rest of the year.
Food and accommodation
The volunteers will live either inside:
- a flat together with 2 volunteers, in the city of Molfetta (double room)
- or in a flat with other InCo staff in the city of Giovinazzo (single room)
The lodging choice will be always decided by InCo. For both lodging options, volunteers will have to respect the rules of the structure and the environment where they live.
There are possibilities for the volunteers to have their meal at home, which is fully furnished with kitchen. So in this case an additional amount of money will be provided corresponding to 150 euros.
Useful links
Here you can find the website of InCo:
Here the website of Molfetta:
If you would like to know more about the EVS experience, check out the blog of the volunteers: