Nuovi posti SVE in Italia

Il VillaggioSOS di Ostuni sta ricevendo in questi giorni l'accreditamento per poter accogliere volontari SVE (Servizio Volontario Europeo); quindi ancora non lo trovate nel database. La descrizione di un ente simile la potete comunque trovare a questo link . L'organizzazione si trova nel sud Italia.
InCo al momento sta sostenendo il Villaggio di Ostuni nella selezione dei volontari. L'idea è di presentare il progetto all'Agenzia Nazionale dei Giovani per la scadenza del primo ottobre; le attività inizieranno a gennaio 2013 e dureranno 12 mesi.
Dato che è una notizia per i non residenti in Italia, puoi leggere il resto in inglese.
The organization is looking of motivated volunteers with the following profile:1 male and 1 female; willingness to live and work in a community with intensive interpersonal contact and shared places; maturity to deal with children and teenagers; emotional balance to deal with the children facing social difficulties; some creativeness and initiative; open to play games and do household activities; basic knowledge of Italian.
Ifyou are interested you should do the following:
- If you don't know EVS well, get informed! Here you can find some useful information;
- Contact your sending organization and ask them for support with the application, verify if you have the profile requested;
- Follow the indications below to apply. Please notice that only emails following the indications will be considered valid applications to the selection process:
>send us an email specifying in the subject: “Selection process 2012 – Villaggio SOS Ostuni”, attaching:
- CV (in English or Italian, better to follow the Europassformat)
- motivation letter specific to the project (you should explain why would you like to participate in the EVS, why Italy, why this specific project/activity, what do you think you could learn,which could be the difficulties you could face, etc.);
- a picture (if you haven't added to your CV)
- the contact of your sending organization (name, email and reference number).
For the moment, there is no need to fill other forms or send any documentby regular post. The email with the documents and information requested should be sent to from the29th August until the 10th September 2012 (not later!). Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
We will be waiting for your email, good luck!