SVE in Finlandia

Ecco un progetto per cui sono alla ricerca di volontari; per candidarsi è necessario compilare un'application form specifica: chiedicela scrivendo a entro lunedì 25 agosto. Sarà nostra cura provvedere a inviartela!
Where | Suonenjoki, Finland |
When | 1.4.–30.10.2015 (7 months) |
Topic | Environment, youngsters, art and culture |
What |
Vanhamäki is an activity centre in Suonenjoki, a small rural town of 7.500 inhabitants in the central Finland. It provides accommodation and different activities for guests. In addition to the main building the centre includes a park area and a horse stable. The centre produces organic berries and vegetables for its own use and the products are also sold in the little shop. The tasks of the volunteers vary according to the season. They assist in different kinds of tasks, outdoors and indoors; take part in organic farming and maintenance work of the park area. Volunteers also assist in planning and carrying out events in Vanhamäki according to their skills and interests. Volunteers can also plan and make a landmark into the park of Vanhamäki. The volunteers can also carry out tasks in the office and kitchen, as well as at the horse stables of the activity centre. At the folk academy the volunteers can participate in courses and in carrying out an artistic project, such as theatre project. The volunteers also assist in office tasks of the folk high school. At the association of unemployed people volunteers assist in food distribution and other tasks of the organization. At the school the volunteers present their country and culture (including the food culture) for the pupils. |
Finlandia, SVE, ambiente, arte e cultura