SVE in Germania

Un nostro ente partner tedesco, lo Jugendsozialwerk , sta selezionando una persona per un progetto da presentare alla scadenza del 1° ottobre; le attività riguardano i bambini (si svolgono in un asilo) e tematiche legate all'interculturalità.
Maggiori dettagli qui in basso. Per candidarti chiedici l'application form entro venerdì 29 agosto, all'iindirizzo mail:
Sarà nostra cura inviartela. Una piccola nota: l'ente chiede che questa venga compilata in tedesco. Tienine conto!
Where | Nordhausen, Germany |
When | From February/March for 12 months |
Topic | Children and youngsters |
What |
At the beginning volunteers will work with the kindergarten teachers to get to know the different areas of the kindergarten. Later, volunteers will work more and more independent. During the work with children volunteers will get an interesting insight into the social and cultural life of them. Furthermore the volunteers will learn how to deal with the different problems of our children, e.g. their difficult social background or their personal deficits. During the “open-work-time” volunteers have to take care for the children and support them in any way. Therefore the volunteers have to display sensitivity, patience and creativity. The young volunteers will be involved in the preparation and realization of special events, like parent-teacher meetings, seasonal parties, open days, etc. They will also take part in all internal meetings and trainings to enrich their knowledge about the work with children. The volunteers have to work 35h a week including the language course. The European Volunteers are seen as partners who support and enrich our work. Concerning to the “open-work-concept” we will offer a lot of fields of activity to our volunteers. They can take part in all daily activities, regarding to their interests. Furthermore they can also realize their own ideas to create new activities for the children. The following projects could be organized and realized by the volunteers: My home country (pictures, cultural peculiarities, people, food, language); Language project – mother tongue, English, things in common with and differences to the German language; Characteristic food for the country, music, art. The setting of priorities of the volunteer projects are in the intercultural field. |