SVE in Italia: sono aperte le selezioni!

InCo ha appena aperto una nuova selezione per accogliere volontari stranieri in Italia per il 2013, in diversi progetti. Il resto della notizia è qui in basso, in inglese per facilitare la lettura agli interessati!
If you would like to take part in this process please follow the further steps:
1-) If you don't know EVS well, get informed! Here you can find some useful information.
2-) Read the description of the vacancies from our pdf file:
3-) Contact your sending organization and ask for support with the application, verify if you have the profile requested and if your motivation and expectations match with the learning opportunities offered. We will contact your sending organization to ask about their evaluation so this step is really important!
4-) Send us an email following the indications below:
- email's subject: “Selection process 2013 – NAME OF THE HOST ORGANIZATION” (as in the PDF file with all vacancies). If you want to apply to more then one vacancy, you have to send separate and specific emails;
- CV (in English or Italian, better to follow the Europass format);
- motivation letter specific to the project (you should explain why would you like to participate in the EVS, why Italy, why this specific project/activity, what do you think you could learn,which could be the difficulties you could face, etc.). This is the most important document!
- a picture (if you haven't added it to your CV);
- the contact of your sending organization (name of contact person,email and reference number).
The email with the documents and information requested should be sent to from the 29th November until the 22th December 2012 (not later!). Emails which don't follow the indications won't be processed as valid applications. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
We will be waiting for your email, good luck!