Vola con lo SVE: novità in vista!

Eh sì, partire con lo SVE (Servizio Volontario Europeo) non è facile come sembra. Per lo meno, orientarsi all'interno del database dello SVE non lo è. Ogni anno ci contattano tante persone interessate a partire ma, anche se le opportunità sono molte, a partire sono in pochi.
Così abbiamo deciso di aiutarti, contattando per te alcune realtà. Cercheremo di proporre sempre più alternative, sperando di essere utili. Partiamo con la Danimarca: qui in basso 3 progetti che stanno selezionando volontari, e che verranno presentati alla scadenza del 1° ottobre.
Per candidarti è necessario inviare cv e lettera di motivazione (entrambi in lingua inglese) a sve@incoweb.org entro il 18 agosto. A questo link tutte le info sul programma; non abbiamo maggiori informazioni oltre a queste, quindi se ci scriverete non garantiamo essere in grado di rispondere. Per il resto: speriamo di sentirti!
Where | Brenderup, Denmark |
When | January 2015 – January 2016 |
Topic | Art and culture, youth policies |
What | Danish folk high school with an international profile. The most important task for the volunteers will be to inspire us in our daily work. We expect them to help us look at the work we are doing in new ways, and to provide a different viewpoint in the themes we are discussing. There will be plenty of opportunity to make new initiatives and for creating activities. Examples of activities in which the volunteers could be involved:
Where | Nykøbing F , Denmark |
When | May 2015 – December 2015 |
Topic | Art and culture, European awareness |
What | The work at the centre will provide the volunteer with an indepth knowledge of medieval life in Denmark and at the same time it will give the EVS volunteer the possibility of developing a wide range of abilities and experience within the various areas of activities of the Middelaldercenter. The volunteer have the possibility to help prepare the horses for the tournament. If the volunteer has the skills, and our chief-knight approves, it can occasionally be possible to ride the horses after work. It’s important is that the work at Middelaldercentret is only practical. We have no tasks in the administration or any academic work to offer. In between activities we expect the volunteer work with some of the handcraft we show the guests. The volunteer can choose between dying, rope making, sewing or work with the goldsmith. Volunteers will live in a host family. |
Where | Tønder, Denmark |
When | January 2015 – January 2016 |
Topic | Children |
What | Kindergarten for children at the age 0-6: the volunteer will get specific knowledge of educational activities such as outdoor activities, art and creative activities e.t.c. The volunteer will be expected to take part in our daily life and the existing activities and traditions of the institution, but also have the opportunity to contribute with new activities. We would also like the voluntere to share his/her country’s traditions with the children and thus give them an insight of another culture. We are looking for an English speaking person who finds it inspiring and giving to be around children and who might wish to work with children in the future. We are very flexible as a workplace and value diversity. |