Volontariato Europeo "Paleozoic Walks" in Spagna

Vuoi trascorrere un 8 mesi in Spagna? Se hai tra i 20 e i 30 anni e conosci bene lo spagnolo, questo progetto fa per te!
8 mesi a partire da marzo 2021
Monsagro Municipality
Monsagro is a small village located in the district Salamanca (Castilla y León). It has a population of around 140 inhabitants, but due to its peaceful beauty and ideal climate, this rises to around 1000 in the summer months. It is located in the national park Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia, and it belongs to the former ‘Las Batuecas’ National Hunting Reserve, made up of various neighbouring towns. It is located around 90km from Salamanca, the region’s capital, 33km from Ciudad Rodrigo (to which it belongs in administrative terms), and 300km from Madrid. You can easily get to Salamanca on buses that leave daily from Ciudad Rodrigo.
Monsagro has a town hall, a small primary school, a communal library, a botanical, garden, a recreational centre for the elderly and a bar. It has a brand new interactive fossil museum, since the village is an important showcase of over 400 million year-old marine fossils, which are embedded all around on paths and walls. The museum contains a newly-installed interactive virtual reality (VR) simulator!
Obviously, it is quite a small place that is fairly isolated. This means that if you are coming from a bustling city, or even a large town, you will likely experience a bit of a ‘culture shock’. Don’t let this put you off, as volunteers take it in their stride as a different – and often valuable – new experience. For information on one volunteer’s experience of this, follow this link:
The activities that have to be carried out as part of the project are mainly in the local museums. This means that the volunteer will have to be available mostly from Friday evening to Sunday, being Monday and Tuesday the volunteer's free days. On Wednesdays and Thursdays the volunteer will do other activities such as managing the social media of the town hall. The tasks are the reception to and the management of the museum and, after a couple of months, the volunteeer will give guided tours. Someone with experience in IT will also be a good candidate for a spot at the museum.
The volunteer will also carry out environment-related activities, where the person in charge of the Botanical Garden will give them easy tasks to be executed throughout the morning on Wednesdays and Thursdays. During winter there is the chance to be incorported to the teams working on the mountains.
As for the social environment, the volunteer will have the opportunity to carry out simple activities with elderly (like skill workshops) and during weekends, if the museum hours allow to do it, the volunteer can work with children. During winter, the activities with children are more frequent and the volunteer can also organise English teaching classes with children and adults.
Here are some of the tasks, but these are varied and usually adapted to tailor the abilities of each volunteer.
Fosils’ museum
- Reception
- Maintenance
- If your level of Spanish/English is good enough, giving guided tours of the museum might also be an option
Environmental area:
- Helping maintain the national park (e.g. keeping tourist hotspots accessible and tidy such as viewpoints, paths, etc.)
- Helping maintain the botanical garden
- Helping keep areas at risk of forest fire clear and safe
- Supporting associations that work to prevent forest fires (helping with prevention methods etc.)
Social area:
- Teaching English to children and adults during winter months
- Organise workshops for elderly
- Participation in the various activities organised by local volunteers
- If they like, offering their own new activities and games to the children, in winter
2 volontari/e
It would be convenient if the volunteers are/have:
• Over 20 years old.
• High level of Spanish.
• Medium level in English language.
• Flexible and open-minded.
• Interest for museum or geological activities.
• Capable of living in a small village for months.
• No specific or professional training is required.
Volunteers will stay in a flat located at the centre of the village with their own bedroom (usually private, but it is possible they share with another volunteer). The bathrooms and kitchen are shared, and volunteers buy and cook their own food. There is WiFi. Volunteers are given 120€ a month (by AFAIJ) to buy food.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.