Volontariato Europeo a Copenaghen nella Università College

Hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni? Vorresti trascorrere un anno in Danimarca come volontario/a, per organizzare attività interculturali per studenti? Leggi questo progetto!
da agosto 2021 a giugno 2022
KP University College Copenhagen is an international oriented Higher Education institution offering 22 different professionals bachelors programmes. Approximately 20.000 full time students are enrolled at KP, and approximately 2000 staff and teachers facilitate their education. KP has campuses in Copenhagen and in the greater Copenhagen area.
The Erasmus+ programme has widely strengthened the international profile at KP. This means that KP sends and receives both students and staff within the Erasmus+ program and from around the world. KP has an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), an assigned Erasmus+ coordinator, and a lot of experience with the Erasmus+ system in general.
To learn more about KP, please have a look at the web page.
The daily work
The ESC project includes students at all KP campuses.
The volunteer will be working in KP international department. The department oversees the implementation of strategic internationalization activities across the various faculties, such as receiving exchange students, International Week at KP, conferences, and fostering an international student/study environment.
The volunteer will be working together with the assigned consultant who will guide the volunteer in the daily work as well as as mentor who will supervise and support the volunteer in his/ her tasks mentoring the learning process. The Volunteer will also be working together with student assistants in the International Department and the Students Council.
Main tasks
The volunteer will support the International Department in developing activities and implementation of various projects that support and foster an international student environment at KP.
Key tasks include engaging with students, supporting and building network, communication on different platforms, public relations, event coordination, corporation with partners within and outside KP and minor administration related to international students.
1 volontario/a
The volunteer will support the Department of Internationalisation in the implementations of various projects that fosters an international environment at KP.
Key tasks include communication; social media, public relations, and event coordination.
Besides, the volunteer will support ISN in planning and coordinating social events on campus. Therefore KP is looking for a volunteer with interest in social media, event coordination and public relations.
The volunteer will be hosted in a student doom in one of the suburbs around Copenhagen.
Within the project the following is covered:
- International transport is covered to a certain amount (approximately 90%).
- Health insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Allowance/pocket money: 220 euro in total: 180 euro (decided by the department of the EU) + 40 euro from the local AFS department.
- Transportation covered: from home to project and from home to language school (if chosen)
Working hours: 30-38 hours/week
All volunteers save up 2 holidays every months.
KP has a partnership with AFS Interkultur Denmark, who will administer the ESC grant – including the volunteer allowance to be given to the volunteers during the program.
AFS Interkultur will make sure that the volunteer gets a mentor/contact person who will help the volunteer integrate into the Danish local community and support the volunteer with every matter related to the stay of the volunteer. AFS also helps the volunteer become part of the overall ESC volunteer network in Denmark.
Both AFS Interkultur and KP will assist volunteers with the administative paperwork related to arriving in Denmark.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese, una lettera di motivazione e il modulo compilato a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
Please be aware that your application and supporting documents will be shared with people involved in the selection process within AFS Interkultur Denmark and within the hosting project. If you are selected for the position, your application will also be shared with AFS local chapter, your mentor and your host family. We look forward to receiving your application provided you can accept this.
If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before February 1st 2021.