Volontariato Europeo in Cafè Utopia in Danimarca

Parti per la Danimarca con il progetto sociale Cafè Utopia! Se hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni e vuoi imparare a lavorare con persone con disabilità mentali, questo progetto fa per te!
da settembre 2021 a luglio 2022
Café Utopia is a high profile café catering for the general public and operated in the same way as other cafés with the only difference that the people employed there have a mental diagnosis such as schizophrenia, manic-depression, borderline etc. The concept behind the café is the idea that the best treatment for this group of people is for them to work in a proper work place, receiving a salary and thus living a life like everybody else. In that way they can feel needed in society and gain both competences and self-esteem through meaningful work.
The café is a so called social/economic project, which means, that it is a non profitable project for people with disabilities.
The café is open daily (except Sunday and Monday) from 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM, Friday to 10.30 PM and Saturday to 03.00 PM. The café is hosting different cultural activities such as concerts, art exhibitions and it also hosts minor seminars and private functions.
For the moment we have three fulltime staff members (a manager and two chefs), 20 persons on social benefit (15-25 hours pr. week), 8 persons in an employment subsidized by the government (25 hours pr. week). The staff works in different teams: waiting, cooking, cleaning or doing office work.
Through a stay at Café Utopia the volunteer will get insight in all aspects of operating a café.
Moreover, he/she will get knowledge about people with mental diseases and get a deeper understanding on how to engage with them. The volunteer will also learn about social/economic organisations and the benefit they provide to the greater community.
The volunteer will work alongside with the staff in various areas depending on the background, education and interest of the particular volunteer.
Activities could include:
- Waiting on tables
- Assisting in the kitchen
- General maintenance in the café
- Office work
But there will also be plenty of opportunities to make his/her own activities such as organising different kinds of events.
1 volontario/a
The project is open to everyone; however, volunteers with a high level of English will be preferred. We are very flexible concerning the profile of the volunteer.
He/she may have a background/interest in social work, catering or culture; however, the most important requirement is that the volunteer has both empathy and the understanding of dealing with mentally vulnerable people.
The volunteer will stay with a local Danish host family.
In the host families the volunteer will be expected to become part of the family and as such take part in the activities and responsibilities in the family. The volunteer will have his/her three meals provided by the host family and/or project. Transport to and from home to the project is covered by the programme.
Within the project the following is covered:
- International transport is covered to a certain amount (approximately 90%).
- Health insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Allowance/pocket money: 220 euro in total: 180 euro (decided by the department of the EU) + 40 euro from the local AFS department.
- Transportation covered: from home to project and from home to language school (if chosen)
Working hours: 30-38 hours/week
All volunteers save up 2 holidays every months.
Café Utopia has a partnership with AFS Interkultur Denmark, who will administer the European Solidarity Corps grant – including the volunteer allowance to be given to the volunteers during the programme.
AFS Interkultur will make sure that the volunteer gets a mentor/contact person who will help the volunteer integrate into the Danish local community and support the volunteer with every matter related to the stay of the volunteer. The volunteer will be invited to participate in various activities which are offered by the local AFS chapters and volunteer committees to all AFS participants in the area. In this way the volunteer will have face-to-face encounters with young people and youth workers from a variety of backgrounds and gain further intercultural competence.
Both AFS Interkultur and Café Utopia and will assist volunteers with the administrative paperwork related to arriving in Denmark.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese, una lettera di motivazione e il modulo compilato a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
Please be aware that your application and supporting documents will be shared with people involved in the selection process within AFS Interkultur Denmark and within the hosting project. If you are selected for the position, your application will also be shared with AFS local chapter, your mentor and your host family. We look forward to receiving your application provided you can accept this.
If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before February 1st 2021.