Volontariato Europeo nell'ambito della cittadinanza globale in Danimarca

Hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni? Vorresti trascorrere un anno in Danimarca come volontario/a, per organizzare attività interculturali per studenti? Leggi questo progetto!
da agosto 2021 a luglio 2022
Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole is a residential school (The Danish “Efterskole”) for approximately 120 secondary students aged 15-17 years. We offer high quality education for year 9 and year 10 students in the Danish educational system who are interested in a special focus on global citizenship education, intercultural competences and languages. All students finish with exams from the Danish Ministry of Education as well as with some IGCSE exams from Cambridge Assessment International Education.
To Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole being an internationally oriented school means having a strong international/intercultural focus, and being engaged in many international partnerships and collaboration. Most of the students at our school are Danish, but every year we also have students from abroad, most of whom have some kind of family relation to Denmark, thus almost all students are able to speak Danish. All of our students take part in reciprocal short term exchanges with schools in other countries (China, South Korea, Spain, Hungary, India or Japan)
The academic aim is to provide high quality formal education for all the students and to help each one of them reach their full potential. Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole aims to educate active and responsible global, young citizens who are able to understand global issues and act on them locally and personally. To achieve this the students will be engaged in several projects in and outside of class and learn to work on project management; from idea to end product or activity.
Furthermore Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole tries to facilitate social interaction, reflection and learning to enable the students to contribute actively to the small and very close knit school community in which they live. The students take part in cleaning and cooking at the school as well.
For all the students it’s an active choice to spend a year at Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole, which means that they are highly motivated to learn and to live and take part in the social setting of the school community.
Just like the students get to know each other really well when living at the school under family-like conditions, the staff is also a small (app. 20) and well functioning group. All staff play a vital role for the wellbeing of our students.
For more information on the Danish “Efterskoler” please see HERE and about Eisbjerghus Efterskole HERE
As Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole has an international profile, the main tasks of the ESC volunteers will be to contribute to strengthening the integration between the international and Danish students as well as to help prepare students who go abroad for their intercultural experience and encounter. The specific activities and events will be created and developed in close cooperation between the ESC volunteers and the staff of the school.
The volunteers will be part of the special fellowship that exists on a Danish Efterskole and Folk High School. As the volunteers are older than the students, they will also be positioned as leaders, persons of authority and consultants, and this is a great opportunity for the EVS volunteers to develop their pedagogical abilities and the ability to structure and plan events for others.
Tasks the volunteer will take part in:
- Planning and carrying out afternoon, evening and weekend activities with the students (music, arts, drama, games, literatur, your language, sports or any other interests that you have)
- Developing the work with and support to the students who have different cultural backgrounds. And facilitating a contact group for these students together with one of the teachers
- Assisting teachers in the subjects Going Global (preparation for exchanges) and Global Citizenship
- Planning and carrying out small and larger projects with students and teachers, like charity projects, educational projects, campaigns ect.
- Producing small films and texts for the Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole’s social media sites as well as the homepage together with a group of students and the teacher responsible for communication
- Taking part in one of the short term exchanges (China, South Korea, Spain, Hungary, India or Japan); travelling with the group as well as hosting the programme
- Practical chores around the school in which students also take part (kitchen, cleaning, maintenance etc.)
- Maybe assist teaching in the subjects Global Citizenship and/or Global Perspectives.
2 volontari/e
Eisbjerghus Efterskole prefers a creative person who enjoys speaking in front of a crowd and who is motivated to develop events and activities that strengthen the integration between Danish and international students and strengthen the Global and European citizenship of the students.
The volunteer must be mature, open-minded and able to work based on his/her own initiative, but also work in close cooperation with the staff at the project. Furthermore, Eisbjerghis Efterskole prefers a person with a good command of spoken and written English language. The volunteer should be prepared to work also in the evenings and weekends and should be prepared to live in the countryside among a lot of young people.
As Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole is going to host two ESC volunteers, it would be preferred (if possible) that the two volunteers have two different profiles: One profile with interest in leadership, process and project management and communication (social media management), and the other profile with interest in creative and artistic projects and processes.
Volunteers will be lodged at the school where he/she will either have his/her own room or share a room with another volunteer. There will be shared toilet and bath facilities.
Within the project the following is covered:
- International transport is covered to a certain amount (approximately 90%).
- Health insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Allowance/pocket money: 220 euro in total: 180 euro (decided by the department of the EU) + 40 euro from the local AFS department.
- Transportation covered: from home to project and from home to language school (if chosen)
Working hours: 30-38 hours/week
All volunteers save up 2 holidays every months.
Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole has a partnership with AFS Interkultur Denmark, who will administer the ESC grant – including the volunteer allowance to be given to the volunteers during the program. Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole as the hosting school will provide accommodation and three meals a day to the volunteer.
AFS Interkultur will make sure that the volunteer gets a mentor who will help the volunteer integrate into the Danish local community and support the volunteer with every matter related to the stay of the volunteer. AFS also helps the volunteer become part of the overall ESC volunteer network in Denmark.
Both AFS Interkultur and Eisbjerghus Internationale Efterskole will assist volunteers with the administative paperwork related to arriving in Denmark.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese, una lettera di motivazione e il modulo compilato a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
Please be aware that your application and supporting documents will be shared with people involved in the selection process within AFS Interkultur Denmark and within the hosting project. If you are selected for the position, your application will also be shared with AFS local chapter, your mentor and your host family. We look forward to receiving your application provided you can accept this.
If you have been shortlisted for the project we will contact you for a skype interview before February 1st 2021.