Volontariato europeo a Catalogna per aiutare persone disabili

Vuoi fare un'esperienza all'estero di 12 mesi in una residenza per persone disabili? Se hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni, questo progetto fa per te!
12 mesi a partire da giugno 2021
FADEAM- Els Avets de Moià Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main mission is the attention and care of adult persons with intellectual disabilities.
It is partially financed by the government of Catalonia. The attention is based on the relationship established with persons with disabilities to achieve an inclusive and home-like dimension. Our goal is to offer adult persons with intellectual disabilities a place to live and develop all their skills and autonomy and support them in their participation and inclusion into society.The organization is part of the International Federation of L’Arche Communities (www.larche.org) for people with intellectual disability; we are 150 communities around the world.
The aim is to establish mutual relationships, where inclusion, participation and responsibility are goals for people with disabilities both in the organization and in society.Therefore, inclusion in society is essential to be open to the world that surrounds us and be part of the life of our village.
The volunteer has a great chance of having new experiences:
Cultural: new country with different landscape, climate, feast, traditions, food, daily life, language,… Catalonia offers a rich and interesting culture, where people are wishing to establish stronger bonds with Europe and the rest of the world.
Educational: the volunteer, as part of the educational team, receives permanent training directly from the responsible persons and through the meetings with a psychologist. The volunteer has a unique chance of non-formal intercultural education which will boost social integration and active participation and will improve employment opportunities and vocations and gives the chance to increase solidarity with other people.
Personal: the volunteer will discover the people with intellectual disabilities through sharing life with them as a community experience. These persons have the great ability of making us discover who we are, let us know our limits,… then, coexistence is becoming a school of life.
Language learning In our area with speak Spanish and Catalan. Frequency of lessons will depend on level and needs of each volunteer. Usually 1,5h/week
Training and support:
- The mentor will support the volunteer and will follow up the progress of the volunteer in the organization. He/she will be listened, supported, guided and helped with any matter needed. Meetings will be as often as needed, usually every 15 days. At the beginning, the mentoring is done daily and is focused in giving information to facilitate a good integration. The volunteers receive special help to integrate in the local community.
- Regular meetings with other groups of volunteers in order to share co-existence experiences.
- The volunteers in our organization are part of the educational team. They receive continuous training and participate in all team and coordination meetings, debates, etc.
- The volunteer will get support from the psychologist of the centre, but also from the educators’ team. Our organization has a special training program for volunteers, as part of the Volunteers Project.
This training will be offered during the first 2 months of their stay:
- Hygiene, disinfection and infection prevention.
- Reducing overexertion. Postural hygiene of the caregiver and the person cared for.
- First aid
- Containment-interventions in case of crisis
- Cooking: Food handling. preparation and hygiene. House keeping.
- Balanced diets
- Guidelines on care of handicapped persons: occupational therapy, daily life activities. Action protocols
- Emotional care and personal growth
- Teamwork and complementarity. Peaceful conflict resolution
1. Attention to the persons (as support to educators and professionals):
- Support to professional staff in charge of accompanying users in their daily activities (personal hygiene, services, activities,…) and in special moments (happy moments, deceases, losses and mourning times, illnesses,…)
- Support the monitoring of the PIR (individual programme) of each person in the different areas: personal hygiene, food habits, health, social life and relations,… through observation and listening to each person. The volunteer will be invited to make proposals to update and improve the PIRs.
- Knowledge of the general project of the home and its application to daily life.
- Collaborate with the professional team with the pedagogical methods for each person (stated in the meeting with the psychologist)
2. Home dynamics (as support to professional team):
- Helping with the quality of the co-existence and relations in the home: entertaining, stimulation, acceptance of differences, conflict solving, and dialogue.
- Participate actively in the weekly coordination home meeting, sharing and enabling communication and participation
- Collaborate in planning activities in and outside the home
- Promote feast and celebration periods: birthdays, folk feasts,…
- Collaborate with the organisation of the home so that everybody feels good. For ex. promoting alternatives for elders who cannot follow general activities.
3. Team work (as support to professional team):
- Participate with all the home team (assistants, responsible, educators)
- Participate actively in all meetings proposed (home, with psychologist…)
- Provide ideas, accept limits, ask for help, give support, use complementary skills,…
- Collaborate in welcoming new team members and try to accept changes needed for it (tasks distribution,…)
4. Material matters (as support to professional team):
- Within the global educational project of the centre, collaborate with the care of the house, equipment, garden,…
- Take care of the economy of the house, helping buying the needed things according to the budget. - Collaborate in cooking according to the security and hygiene rules and following individual diets when needed
- Take care of the vehicles with an adequate driving and helping with the regular cleaning. These activities are not just a routine; this is a comprehensive daily life project where all activities are related to a relational and integral model of life.
5. Community matters (as support to professional team):
- Collaborate in maintaining an attitude of respect and openness to know the characteristics of L’Arche communities
- Participate in community activities such as feasts, fairs, celebrations, community meetings,… Any contribution of volunteers is welcomed and considered. Timetable and activities schedules may be changed when needed by the organization, the volunteer or for a better adaptation to his/her profile.
For applying to this project you need to be between 18 and 30 years old, Preferably have a driving license and driving experience and basic good knowledge of Spanish language and interest in learning Catalan (the language spoken in our area, together with Spanish)
The volunteer will receive free accommodation -usually in a single room, either in one of the homes or in the apartment of volunteers (subject to availability)- and meals.
The program provides with weekly Spanish lessons and Catalan lessons once a week (if desired). Also, the volunteer will take part in non-formal training programs about intellectual disabilities, first aid, house holding.
You will receive a monthly allowance of 150€ (as pocket money).
It'll be requested from you an average dedication of 30 to 35h /week, based on a weekly schedule. Although the presence of volunteers is always welcome. The volunteer will enjoy 2 free days per week + 2 days of vacation per month (these days can be compacted to get a longer vacations period).
You will have continuous mentoring and support since arrival and throughout all the stay plus a final certification about the work done and competences acquired.
Volunteers through the ESC Program Erasmus+, will have their travel tickets covered, medical insurance and arrival and midterm seminars paid by the EU.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
N.B. Eventuali form o richieste particolari sono da specificare via email.