Volontariato europeo in Danimarca in una scuola folk

Vuoi fare un'esperienza all'estero di 12 mesi in una scuola folk per studianti de 18 a 99 anni? Se hai tra i 18 e 30 anni, questo progetto fa per te!
11 mesi
Brandbjerg Højskole is a modern folk high school, situated in the beautiful countryside of Denmark. We offer a vibrant and supportive community that provides an environment to experience some of the most unforgettable months of your life. A stay at Brandbjerg Højskole is a unique introduction to Denmark and Danish culture and, who knows, perhaps a stepping stone to further studying in Denmark. The students meet teachers with extraordinary passion for what they do. We treasure diversity at Brandbjerg Højskole and the students experience a campus atmosphere where everyone connects across subjects, interests and backgrounds. We offer 8 main learning environments and a range of 60+ elective subjects and the students have access to film, music, sports and art facilities all day and night. The subjects include music and dance, sustainability, project management, outdoor living, personal development, politics and society, arts, skiing and sports. In addition, we have workshops, student activities and many other activities.
The Folk High Schools belong to a school tradition in Denmark that dates back more than 150 years. They were founded and based on the ideas and writings of the Danish philosopher, poet, politician and educational thinker N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) as boarding schools for young adults. The aim was – and still is – to enable ordinary people to become independent, enlightened citizens capable of participating in the forming of society.
The target group of the school is people from 18 to 99 years old. However, the mayor group of students is in between 19 and 25 years old.
At Brandbjerg Højskole, we work with methods that help us create the foundation for a sustainable and ‘permanent culture’ (permaculture). It is primarily about learning to think holistically. And about designing our everyday lives, local communities, companies and large systems, to take both human and nature’s needs into account.
Brandbjerg Højskole is prepared to host two volunteers who will be engaged in:
1) Development, maintenance and harvest of our productive gardens at the school grounds (kitchen garden, forest garden, orchard, grazing savannah, biodiversity zones and protected natural forest, etc.).
2) Practical preparation of our classes that focus on sustainability and permaculture – and if you have the enough knowledge and skill, involvement in the pedagogical design and teaching of the classes is also possible.
3) Practical ad hoc tasks in relation to the everyday life at the folk high school depending on skill and interests (e.g. involvement in the kitchen, maintenance of buildings, etc.)
The exact role and tasks of our volunteers will be determined in a mutual agreement between the coordinator and the volunteer. They also depend on the aspirations and capacities of the volunteer. Thus, in the beginning of the stay, we will sit down with the volunteers and talk about expectations, interests and skills and make a clear description of the tasks of each volunteer.
We are looking for volunteers with:
- an open mind that has knowledge of (preferred) and interested in sustainability and permaculture,
- a set of practical hands that has experience with (preferred) or are willing to learn the craft of gardening
- a beating social heart that are open to being part of an international community in a Danish folk high school environment.
Previous experience with folk high schools is not a requirement.
Please note that as a volunteer, you will belong to the employees at the school. You are NOT a student and do not follow the classes offered.
You are welcome to socialize with students and employees alike in your spare time. Also, you are free to participate in workshops, lectures and festive activities in evenings and weekends, and all the schools facilities are open to you when you are off duty (e.g. ceramics and arts workshop, music studio, yoga and meditation facilities, climbing wall, sports hall, shelters, mountain bike tracks, etc.
The volunteer will be stay at the school. The volunteer will have his/her three meals provided by Brandbjerg Højskole.
Within the project the following is covered:
- International transport is covered to a certain amount (approximately 90%).
- Health insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Allowance/pocket money: 220 euro in total: 180 euro (decided by the department of the EU) + 40 euro from the local AFS department.
- Transportation covered: from home to project and from home to language school (if chosen)
NB: language school is no longer included in the project, but it is still possible to attend, if you pay it yourself. The cost is approx. 270 euro/module (with approx. 2-3 modules in total). The transport to and from the language school will be covered by the programme.
It is also possible to attend a free online language course.
Working hours: 30-38 hours/week
All volunteers save up 2 holidays every months.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese, una lettera di motivazione e il modulo compilato a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
Please be aware that your application and supporting documents will be shared with people involved in the selection process within AFS Interkultur Denmark and within the hosting project. If you are selected for the position, your application will also be shared with AFS local chapter, your mentor and your host family. We look forward to receiving your application provided you can accept this.