Volontariato europeo in Danimarca nel ambito della conservazione nell'arcipelago di Fionia meridionale

Vuoi fare un'esperienza all'estero di 12 mesi, lavorando nel campo della conservazione e conoscere il mantenimento di barche e isole? Se hai tra i 18 e 30 anni, questo progetto fa per te!
Two volunteers from March 15th 2021 to September 15h 2021
Two volunteers from September 15th 2021 to September 14th 2022
If the candidate is chosen for an interview he/she will be asked which project period he/she will prefer.
Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter
The Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter is surrounded by some of the most beautiful nature in Denmark. The center is placed on Strynø – a little island half an hour of sailing from Rudkøbing at Langeland. There are about 210 inhabitants on Strynø which also contains one of the most well-preserved towns of the middle ages.
The Smakkecenter is placed directly at the water front, and has existed since 1993.
Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter Exhibition tells the natural and cultural history of the South Fyn Archipelago, especially of Strynø. The pivotal point of the exhibition is the sail between the many islands in the area with Smack Dinghies. The new exhibition opened spring 2016 with more details about nature and with many practical activities, e.g. “coastal safari”, “wild food” and “history in the stones”.
Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter Boatyard carry out restorations and maintain the center’s own Smack Dinghies. All our rental dinghies will come into the boatyard once every year for general maintenance. That way we make sure that all the boats are in good condition.
The boatyard also functions as working museum seeing that we work similar to the old traditional boat building craftsmanship. Visitors are very welcome to come and have a look inside – questions and exchanges of experience are welcomed.
We collaborate with a German boat building college who each year sends their students to us, for them to get an insight into traditional Danish boat building craftsmanship.
We can arrange school camp /education adventures for groups of all educational levels. Our experienced instructors will happily teach about environment, nature, island culture, teambuilding, sailing, trips, outdoor life and much more.
The Smakkecenter promotes nature and culture through sailing with dinghies, barges, kayaks or SUP in the archipelago.
We participate in taking care of the small-uninhabited isles with large herd of cattle and sheep, by sailing the animal ferry YRSA, which transport the animals out to the isles.
Next to the Smakkecenter is a cosy family campsite and a big shelter.
The everyday life at the center contains lots of different work depending on the season. The winter activities will primary be renovation of our dinghies in the boatyard. The summer is the busy time of the season where we arrange trips for our visitors – mostly sailing dinghies, SUP and kayaks. The volunteer will participate in the everyday work on their own and together with the other employees at the center. This work includes sailing, upkeeping the dinghies, painting, cutting grass, cleaning, guiding tourists, helping in our café, upkeeping campsite and various gear.
We also learn from our volunteers. The volunteers add further life and energy to the center which is highly valued. Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter is open all around the year. There is one employee at the center as well as freelancers. The primary target group is children and youths whom we educate and with whom we sail. The secondary target group is a mix of different visitors, who come to our boatyard, exhibition and campsite.
4 volontari.
The volunteer must like being outdoor as most of the activities at the center are outdoor activities. A big part of the job is to be with guests in the campground so good social skills are highly required. The volunteer must be open-minded and prepared to be involved in all the various tasks together with the rest of the staff. The volunteer must be able to speak English at a conversational level.
The volunteer will either stay with a local Danish host family or at the hosting project.
In the host families the volunteer will be expected to become part of the family and as such take part in the activities and responsibilities in the family. The volunteer will have his/her three meals provided by the host family and/or project. Transport to and from home to the project is covered by the programme.
If the volunteer live at the hosting project, the volunteer will eats his/her meals at there.
Within the project the following is covered:
- International transport is covered to a certain amount (approximately 90%).
- Health insurance
- Food and accommodation
- Allowance/pocket money: 220 euro in total: 180 euro (decided by the department of the EU) + 40 euro from the local AFS department.
- Transportation covered: from home to project and from home to language school (if chosen)
NB: It is possible to attend language school for free through the public system.However, you have to pay the deposit yourself. The cost is approx. 300 euro which you will get back if you reach a certain level. The transport to and from the language school will be covered by the programme.
It is also possible to attend a free online language course.
Working hours: 30-38 hours/week
All volunteers save up 2 holidays every months.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese, una lettera di motivazione e il modulo compilato a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
Please be aware that your application and supporting documents will be shared with people involved in the selection process within AFS Interkultur Denmark and within the hosting project. If you are selected for the position, your application will also be shared with AFS local chapter, your mentor and your host family. We look forward to receiving your application provided you can accept this.