Volontariato europeo in Finlandia!

Vorresti svolgere un periodo di volontariato in Finlandia nell'ambito dello sviluppo rurale? O nell'ambito culturale e creativo? Oppure nell'ambito dell'inclusione e del benessere psico-fisico?
Se hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni, partecipa a uno di questi progetti nell'ambito dei Corpi Europei di Solidarietà!
Progetto 1: Dal 01/04/2022 al 31/10/2022 - 7 mesi
Progetti 2-3: Dal 01/02/2022 al 31/01/2023 - 12 mesi
1) Vanhamäki Activity Centre
VANHAMÄKI is an activity centre and an organic farm situated in Suonenjoki in central Finland. The centre produces organic berries and vegetables and the products are also sold in the little shop. Vanhamäki provides different kinds of activities for visitors and runs an organic farm, and a foster home. Vanhamäki also has a lunch restaurant, which is famous for its delicious food, using organic and local ingredients as much as possible. In addition, Vanhamäki provides various activities and work for people who have fallen out of the job market.
- Themes: Agriculture, green skills, rural development
- Number of volunteers: 3
- Volunteering period: 1.4.2022–31.10.2022 (7 months)
- Location: Vanhamäki centre is situated in Suonenjoki, which is a small rural town with some 6 900 inhabitants. Vanhamäki has countryside surroundings with lakes, fields and forests around.
- Volunteer’s role and tasks: The tasks of the volunteers vary according to the season: from spring to the autumn time the volunteers’ work is focused mostly on organic farming, working outdoors planting and harvesting the crops. The volunteers assist in different kinds of tasks, both outdoors and indoors, such as making organic products, social media tasks, and maintenance work of the park area. Volunteers can also assist, according to their skills, in planning and carrying out events at Vanhamäki. The volunteers can also carry out tasks in the office and kitchen of Vanhamäki as well as help or assist in the making and arranging of the activities and work for people who have fallen out of the job market
2) Dagtek’s Arts&Crafts Workshop (Konst och Hantverk)
DAGTEK is a part of Kårkulla samkommun (Kårkulla federation of municipalities), which offers services for people with intellectual disabilities or autistic spectrum disorders. The activities Dagtek offers are divided into several sections in different areas. In Dagtek’s arts&crafts workshop (Konst och hantverk in Swedish) there are four workshops with different textile crafts, visual arts and ceramics. Each workshop has a coach who coordinates and leads the activities. At the moment Dagtek’s arts&crafts workshop community consists of 25 participants, who are mostly women with different types of intellectual disabilities or minor learning challenges and four workshop coaches/mentors.
- Themes: Creativity and culture, disabilities – special needs, inclusion – equality, health and wellbeing
- Number of volunteers: 1
- Volunteering period: 1.2.2022–31.1.2023 (12 months)
- Location: Dagtek is located in Ekenäs (Tammisaari in Finnish), which is a small town with about 15 000 inhabitants situated by the sea in Southern Finland. Dagtek is located in the centre of the town. The majority language spoken in Ekenäs is Swedish (81%) and about 17% of the population speak Finnish. Ekenäs is a part of the Raseborg commune (28 000 inhabitants).
- Volunteer’s role and tasks: Through European Solidarity Corps volunteer cooperation, Dagtek wishes to offer its community members the possibility to build networks and get a wider perspective on the world around us. At the same time, they hope to have one more person to be present for the clients and assist them in the daily workshop activities, as well as in social and practical situations during the day. In the arts&crafts workshop, the role of the volunteer is to support the clients with special needs in their textile crafts work, art activities and all kinds of daily activities. According to their skills and interests, the volunteer can also organise activities and teach the clients new skills especially related to arts&crafts. Despite their learning disabilities or other special needs, many of the clients of Dagtek workshop are quite independent in their daily activities. The role of the staff and volunteer is to coach and guide them in the arts&crafts activities and to support their independence in different everyday situations.
3) Dagtek’s Life Skills Activities (Livsorienterad verksamhet)
DAGTEK is a part of Kårkulla samkommun (Kårkulla federation of municipalities), which offers services for people with intellectual disabilities or autistic spectrum disorders. The activities Dagtek offers are divided into several sections in different areas. The participants of Dagtek’s life skills activities (Livsorienterad (LO) verksamhet in Swedish) require guidance and support in their daily activities. The life skills activities take place in small groups consisting of 2–4 people and are always planned according to the condition, interests, and needs of the participants. About twenty people take part in the life skills activities daily. Dagtek’s daily activities consist of music, arts and crafts, painting, games and walks outside, for example. The goal is to encourage every participant to be active, get involved, make their own decisions and affect the content of their daily lives, taking into consideration every participant’s individual starting point.
- Themes: Disabilities – special needs, inclusion – equality, health and wellbeing, creativity and culture
- Number of volunteers: 1
- Volunteering period: 1.2.2022–31.1.2023 (12 months)
- Location: Dagtek is located in Ekenäs (Tammisaari in Finnish). Ekenäs is a small town with about 15 000 inhabitants. It is situated by the sea in Southern Finland. Dagtek is located in the centre of the town. The majority language is Swedish (81%) and only about 17% of the population speak Finnish. Ekenäs is a part of the Raseborg commune (28 000 inhabitants).
- Volunteer’s role and tasks: Through European Solidarity Corps volunteer cooperation, Dagtek wishes to offer its community members the possibility to build networks and get a wider perspective on the world around us. At the same time, we hope to have one more person to be present for our clients and assist them in the daily workshop activities as well as in social and practical situations during the day. The volunteer’s role in the life skills activities is to support the clients and give guidance for them. The volunteer also helps in the clients’ daily activities related to mealtimes, going to the toilet and walks outside, as well as walking the clients to and from their car transportation when they arrive and leave Dagtek. According to their skills and interests, the volunteer can also organize activities for small groups or individuals. Dagtek values creative activities such as music, arts&crafts and physical and outdoor activities. The clients appreciate possibilities for individual encounters, for example, talks or reading for them. The volunteer can also contribute to the production of pedagogic and visual support materials and the documentation of Dagtek’s activities through photographing, for example.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Inoltre, compilare il form in allegato.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
N.B. Eventuali form o richieste particolari sono da specificare via email.