Volontariato europeo per promuovere la solidarietà e la diversità, l'imprenditorialità e la cooperazione in Polonia

Vuoi fare un'esperienza di 10 mesi all'estero lavorando nell'ambito dell'educazione non formale, interculturalità e antidiscriminazione? Se hai tra i 18 ei 30 anni, questo progetto è per te!
10 mesi
CIM Horyzonty – Centre for Intercultural Initiatives Horizons is an European Solidarity Corps (former European Voluntary Service) accredited organization and is looking for 6 Volunteers for its 12th generations of International Volunteers.
We are an independent Poznań non-governmental organization, operating under various names since 1996 at the local, regional, national and international levels.
Our goals are to initiate, run and support educational, social and cultural activities for and for the local community and to build intercultural dialogue between representatives and representatives of different cultures. We want to influence the creation of a world without hatred, full of intentional understanding, for which we care about together, starting from our own backyard, but also going far beyond the horizon.
Volunteers will be primarily responsible for the implementation of workshops in schools, non-formal education institutes and informal youth meetings, ie parks and yards in two Poznań's district: Old Town and Lazarus. Their aim is to activate and integrate children and young people, introduce intercultural, antidiscrimination values and topics to their world and prevent their exclusion (the districts do not have a good reputation). In addition, their tasks will include documenting the tasks carried out, promoting solidarity and diversification, entrepreneurship and cooperation. The acquired competences will be used during youth activities. Workshops will be conducted using non-formal education methods.
- Support the development of activities for youngsters and seniors, which will involve the preparation of group dynamics, team building activities, language activities, cultural activities, recycling workshops, sport activities, and others, always in articulation with the association's team at CIM's office;
- School support, where the volunteers will have the chance to have direct contact especially with children and youth as well as with local community and organize several outdoor activities;
- Support in the international relationships, helping the team in the organization of International Trainings for cooperation of people from different nationalities in various subjects, Youth Work Fields, for the promotion of volunteerism in various subjects and International Training and Exchange Programs;
- Prepare and implement the personal project.
6 volontari
Motivated person between 18 and 30 to support our work with animation and implementation of intercultural dimension in our local community. The volunteer should like various aspects of community work and the general variety of activities during project work.
The volunteers will live in student dormitory or in an apartment in a single room with shared kitchen and bathroom. Mostly we do not use the public transport because office and main working places are located about 15 minutes by foot from the volunteer’s accommodation. The volunteer will receive a card for the public transportation in Poznań (or citybike) if the estimated time for going to work will be more than 15 minutes by foot. Food is not provided, there is monthly food allowance payments.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari