Volontariato in Spagna in un centro diurno per bambini con autismo

Vorresti svolgere un periodo di volontariato all'estero nell'ambito dei centri diurni e di attività socioculturali?
Se hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni, partecipa a questo progetto nell'ambito dei Corpi Europei di Solidarietà!
Dal 1 dicembre 2021 al 31 luglio 2022 - 8 mesi
The volunteer will develop the activities of the project in the "Day Center" in Molina de Segura. In this center, users with autism spectrum disorder receive a comprehensive treatment that includes all dimensions of adaptive skills, in order to integrate them into society. In addition, the volunteer activities will also take place in the city of Murcia, where the users spend their free time and carry out different sociocultural activities. In this case, the volunteer will accompany them (with the support of one or more people) to facilitate their mobility and participation in these activities.
The main tasks of the volunteer are:
- Support in the development and implementation of employment programs and the transition of users from adolescence to adulthood.
- Support in occupational activities and basic skills workshops.
- Support in daily activities of the users, inside and outside the center, for example: swimming pool workshop (Intervention in the aquatic environment), organic gardening workshop, ecological shop, sales of products, craft workshop (ceramics, glass and leather), activities of daily living (cleaning, cooking, etc.), speech therapy and communication skills workshop, multi-sensory workshop and music therapy, employment workshop, leisure activities, sexuality workshop.
- Promotion of European projects and programs and mobility among young people in the Region of Murcia, as well as among the users of our organization.
- Participation in workshops and presentations of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program in youth organizations, secondary schools in the city of Murcia and the University of Murcia.
The volunteer will carry out all these activities with the supervision of professionals, assistants and tutors in the different classrooms of the centers located in Molina de Segura and in the city of Murcia.
The ideal candidate:
- is motivated by our project and must be mature enough to carry out the activities involved
- has interest in doing activities and interacting with people affected by autism (especially with Asperger's syndrome), as well as in psychology, pedagogy, special education and the world of disability in general
- has interest in creative ceramics, glass management and activities in organic agriculture.
The volunteers who participate in our project will live in a flat located in the center of the city of Murcia together with other volunteers who carry out their volunteer project in other organizations in Murcia. Each volunteer will have his/her own room to guarantee privacy and space.
The volunteering service offers you:
- Free accommodation: a single room in a flat shared with other volunteers.
- Pocket money (€155 per month).
- Money for food expenses (€155 per month).
- Local transport to get to your volunteer activities.
- Arrival and midterm training (midterm evaluation).
- Private medical insurance.
- Your travel expenses from where you live to Murcia at the beginning of the project and from Murcia to your place of residence once the project is finished.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
N.B. Eventuali form o richieste particolari sono da specificare via email.