Volunteer in the field of education in Kielce, Poland

Is your age between 18 and 30 years old? Would you like to come to Poland for a period of volunteering? Regional Volunteer Center in Kielce is looking for volunteers to host from March 2022 to end of February 2023!
12 months
Regional Volunteer Center in Kielce Regional Volunteering Center for more than 15 years promotes active citizenship through volunteering and many other activities, especially among youth. Since 2011, they have have been increasing our international activity by realizing Erasmus+ projects, and for 7 years now we have hosted dozens of international volunteers in the framework of ESC (previouslyEVS). They’re one of the region’s leading NGOs by the number of undertaken activities and experience. They’re also a group of young people and friends who truly believe in the mission of our organization.
Help is needed in the places: office & action volunteering Generally, the volunteer works in his workplace 6-7 hours a day, Monday-Friday. The daily work time includes time for preparation to work. Sometimes volunteers are involved in some special events that take place on the weekends, but weekly work time remains 30-38 hours , according to the principles of ESC.
Each volunteer supports the daily operation of his workplace by delivering various non-formal education activities to children. These can be for example: intercultural activities , aiming to develop knowledge of the world (especially Europe and volunteer’s country of origin) and to promote European values such as solidarity, equality, tolerance, democracy, diversity, etc. language activities , mainly of English language, possibly also volunteer’s native language - always delivered in the form of nonformal education activities - games, plays, learning in practice etc. other activities , depending on the volunteer's skills and interests: sports, musical, art, dance or any other! activities that stimulate ecological sensitivity, promote sustainability and pro-environmental attitudes , incl. art classes with the use of recycled materials, frequent outdoor activities, or joint work in educational gardens; serving with individual help to children with disabilities and fewer opportunities - assisting in learning, playing and integrating with the rest of their peers (3 host institutions are schools and kindergartens with integration departments) preparation of special events for entire communities of host institutions, such as family picnics, Day of Europe, celebrations of national holidays and others. They engage and integrate not only groups of children of different ages, but also their families and staff of each kindergarten/school.
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you should preferably be an EU citizen.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
Food and accommodation
You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service.
The volunteer will receive a monthly amount of money to sustain food expenses.
For any information write an email to: info@incoweb.org or contact application@centrumwolontariatu.eu
If you want to apply send your CV (in English or Italian) to evs@incoweb.org and fulfill this Application Form.