Volunteer opportunities in Germany

Is your age between 18 and 30 years old? Would you like to come to Germany for a period of volunteering? This organization is looking for volunteers to host from October 2022 to September 2023!
12 months
Building Bridges (HOT-Alte Bude & Fuchsbau) (one volunteer per youth club)
The KJH “Hot – Alte Bude” is conceptually orientated towards work with children and young
people, particularly those from a disadvantaged background (Age 7 untill 27). This includes
integration assistance for migrants and natives from socially weak families. The work offers the
visitors meaningful and supported leisure activities. In addition, various projects also provide
basic educational opportunities; a music project (Proberaum und DJ ́ing), a creative project,
separate projects for boys and girls and an “Open-Door Area” are offered.
Under the motto "Building Bridges" the IB offers different activities in kindergartens, in projects
of open child and youth work, vocational training. Through the work of the IB in Magdeburg
different age and target groups experience social care and support. In doing so, the IB uses its
extensive internal and external networks with authorities, institutions, regional companies and
social institutions, thus, promising individually tailored support. The volunteer will work in the
open daily work in the children and youth club "KJH Fuchsbau".
Project Activities:
○ assist in leisure activities for children and adolescents
○ develop and create offers for children and youngsters
○ assist in the integration of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents into existing
social structures
○ assist in the integration of young people with and without migration background to their
new home
Public Relations in the One World House
The Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt (AGSA) is a NGO with more than 38 member
organizations, working in the areas of development policy, European and international
exchanges and the integration of immigrants into German society. You will learn more about
public relations and methods of media design.
Project activities
○ Participating in issuing the bi-monthly magazine “Deine Welt” by creating the layout for
the magazine and writing articles
○ Designing flyers, posters, and other promotional materials for NGOs
○ Assisting in the planning and implementation of events
○ Assisting in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the international youth
project “Eurocamp” with other volunteers
○ Organizing and implementing own project ideas
○ General office activities
International Youth Work
We, the Foreign Society Sachsen-Anhalt (Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt - AGSA) are
responsible for the preparation of the Eurocamp and further activities in the field of
international Youth work.
Project Activities:
○ promoting the Eurocamp 2023 in different platforms (social media, websites, etc.)
○ contributing own ideas for the program development
○ selecting participants for the project
○ preparing participants for the participation in the project
○ support the Eurocamp team 2023
○ support in the organization of and participate in the preparatory and
evaluation seminars of the Eurocamp 2023
○ workshops in schools and intercultural learning activities with other volunteers
Community Television
Offener Kanal Magdeburg e. V. is a television broadcaster and one of the AGSA’s member
organizations. The volunteers will have the opportunity to gain experience in a broad range of
areas. They will assist in the production of various programs and films, particularly in the areas of
script, camerawork and cutting. The volunteers will be involved in the recording of live events,
such as concerts, theatres, debates, etc., and will also assist in the production of the intercultural
youth magazine “Jugendstil” (“Youth Style)”. In addition, the volunteers will have the chance to
produce his / her own film. Further areas of activity include general organizational tasks (such as
technical work, archiving, programming, etc.) as well as assistance in the presentation of video
workshops in schools and youth centers.
Project activities:
○ Assisting in the production of various programmes and films
Youngsters for Europe
The "Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg" is a youth-educational center and
multigenerational house. Our offers target young people, as well as the local community. The
tasks of the volunteers are very diverse and can be adapted to the volunteers in accordance with
their personal interests, experiences, and language level. The service is funded by the European
Solidarity Corps Project Activities
o Cooperation in the preparation, implementation & follow-up of international youth
o Participation in the preparation, implementation & follow-up of youth education projects
for young people from Germany
o Planning and implementation of events in the multi-generational house
o Visiting events as a representative of the European Youth Educational Center
o Designing flyers, posters
o Supporting staff in organising youth exchanges and team volunteering services
o General office activities, handiwork activities
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you should preferably be an EU citizen.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
You will stay in a flat-sharing community with 2-3 other ESK volunteers. You will have your own
bedroom with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Free Wi-Fi is also included.
Food and pocket money
In the beginning of the month, you will receive the money to cover your food expenses (the rate
is decided by the national agency) and pocket money for your own expenses. Currently, it is
8,77€/day for food and 5€/day for pocket money. During workshops, training, seminars you will
be provided with complete catering (3 times per day). For those days you will receive no food
For any information write an email to: info@incoweb.org
If you want to apply send your CV (in English) to evs@incoweb.org and fulfill this Application Form.