ESC - Nest

Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
From September 2023 for 12 months
Host organization
Born in September 2015, NEST is the new college for university students in Trento. NEST is a state-of-theart, unique place: it provides students with accommodation in modern, well-finished rooms and a broad array of opportunities for learning and making the best of their academic experience.
The NEST educational proposal counts four main areas (Study, Life, Work, World) and an annual Creative Space where students can experience and share creative and personal ideas bringing their own skills into play. NEST also offers a space for workshops (NEST Lab) aiming to develop technical and soft skills that include vocational workshops, international projects and the NEST Job Experience formula (opportunity for “guided work” in the field for students in organizations or companies, combining, on a direct experiential basis, training with practical experience).
We firmly believe on the importance of volunteering (national and international) and internships experiences, as formative experiences that can add personal and professional values to the students. In collaboration with “InCo”, NEST has been promoting Erasmus+ activities: short term hospitality of volunteers, presentation evenings of university exchanges, international mobility and a project cycle training on project for individual exchanges.
NEST supports a way of working based on solidarity and inclusion values at both hospitality level and educational level. Campus NEST provides a wide range of different offers: from the modern and fulloptional residence to the apartments, so that also students with fewer economic opportunities can benefit from our educational proposal.
Proposed activities for the volunteer/s
You will take part in the design and implementation of the training activities, collaborating with our Staff and the guest students in a peer-to-peer learning logic and in collaboration with local institutions and organizations. You will work in an environment attentive to the educational dimension and innovation, rooted into the local community and where the guest students are also decision-makers. Moreover, You will have the opportunity to be involved in parallel activities together with other volunteers hosted in other receiving organizations coordinated by InCo.
The topic of the parallel activities will change according to the project (making games, organising events, exhibitions, etc.).
Looking at your personal aptitudes, the proposed activities will include:
- International Reception: You will support NEST Front Office service, with the opportunity to acquire and develop the indispensable organisational and relational skills for a Reception service in a university students hall of residence. You will offer a multilinguistic and international dimension to the daily service and the relational approach with the students. Topics: Skills development, International interaction.
- Community & participation: You will support us in promoting, designing and sharing community activities (i.e. social/recreational activities, sharing of spaces and services, active citizenship and social campaigning, etc) and their storytelling. The activities will include important interactions with the territory and the local organizations. The peer-to-peer dinamics will facilitate the proactive involvement of the students. Topics: Community development, Inclusion, Equality and non-discrimination.
- Communication: You will collaborate with us for an efficient storytelling of NEST activities on the official communication channels: website, social, walls. In the activity, You will dedicate specific time to share the ESC Program and the Project results on a specific page of NEST website and You will organize, specifically for the CAMPUS NEST students, a presentation of ESC Program and its educational opportunities; You will also realize a video about your ESC experience and she/he will be involved in the InCo Go Social Blog . Topics: Community development, Skills development
- International Hub & International Network: You will support us in the creation of relation spaces and activities of cultural and linguistic sharing for the CAMPUS NEST students and the territory, in a co-design work with the Staff and the students themselves. Among them: Cultural sharing workshops, Language slices, International food events, International career workshops, Italian language courses, presentation of the Erasmus+ program opportunities (in collaboration with InCo and Erasmus Student Network), etc. You will support then the planning and development of a NEST International networking strategy, acquiring basic skills in strategic analysis and planning, networking and negotiation. Topics: Education and training, Skills development, European identity and values.
- Marketing & events: You will take part at the marketing activities of NEST, contributing in its Marketing Plan updating and realignment specifically on the International target, working with the Staff and with the marketing area student teams and actively taking part at the promotional activities. You will acquire specific skills about Marketing&Communication planning and management, becoming involved in NEST educational proposals and supporting the project activities of both the Staff and the student teams. This activity is intended as an opportunity to acquire useful skills for a future working choice and it will be shared with an Italian volunteer involved in a Civil Service project at NEST. Topics: Skills development.
Number of volunteers needed
1 volunteer
Requirements to participate
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you should preferably be an EU citizen.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in Nest. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
Food and accommodation
You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service in one of Il Faggio flats for students. You will live in a double room and share the apartment with other students of the same gender hosted. The flat is situated close to the city center. It has a spacious kitchen, a common area, bathrooms and all necessary facilities.
As for the food, the volunteers will receive an allowance of 200,00 € per month.
Volunteers will receive a transport card from Trentino Trasporti allowing them to travel free throughout the Province of Trento.
Volunteers will receive 150,00 € per month as pocket money.
You will receive also a flat telephone.
What you need to do to apply
For any information write an email to:
If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:
a) fill out this online Application form (via Google Forms)
b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to