Are you from Portugal? Come to Italy with EVS!

Fondazione S. Vigilio is searching for a Portuguese volunteer who would help the association's work for a year from October 2016. If you would like to live in North Italy in a nice village surrounded by mountains, read on!
If you are ready to take part in educational, communicational and recreational activities, this is your project!
Proposed activities for the volunteer
- educational activities: organising workshops and recreational activities, helping in studying;
- promotional activities: website, newsletter;
- recreational activities: different kind of events at the botanical garden, the castle and youth centres.
When and where?
From 01/10/2016 to 01/09/2017 Ossana,Italy.
For more information, please read this document!
How to apply?
So, here is the application procedure:
1) contact BLOOM in Portugal to have them as Sending Organisation
2) download the application form from below
Applicationform_April2016_Youth.doc 970,50kB
3) get deep information about EVS and its conditions; read as much as possible about Fondazione S. Vigilio and Ossana, verifying if they really match with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad;
4) ask BLOOM to send us an email with your application attaching the form together with the CV with picture. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through BLOOM!
Email's subject must be: "EVS application InCo through Sending Organization: Fondazione S. Vigilio".
Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
In case of doubts, write us an email ( – we will be happy to help.:-)
The deadline to apply is the 21thofApril 2016 at noon. Our email is:
Emails which do not follow the indications will not be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
Good Luck! ;-)