Let’s volunteer in Social Inclusion field!

InCo is ready for the second deadline of 2017!
InCo has started to look for the future volunteers for CTS with the deadline of 10th of March.
Centro Trentino di Solidarietà has 2 vacancies for 8 months from September 2017 to April 2018.
Please read on for more information also the infopack attached!
Get inspired and read some of the our ex-volunteers' testimonies !
So here can you find the application procedures (read them and follow them carefully!):
1) download the application form from below:
2) get deep information about EVS and its conditions; read as much as possible about the receiving organization you are interested in and the city where it is located, verifying if it really matches with your ideas/dreams of experience abroad. Here the infopack:
3) contact your Sending Organization. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through Sending Organization!;
4) discuss the opportunity with your Sending Organization checking the opportunities offered and your expectations. Matching profile and opportunities is essential to guarantee a great service for you! In case of doubts, give us a call (+39 0461.984355) – we will be happy to help :).
5) ask your Sending Organization to send us an email with your application attaching the form together with the CV with picture. We will not accept application done by volunteers directly, only through Sending Organizations.
Email's subject must be: "EVS application InCo through Sending Organization: NAME OF THE RECEIVING ORGANIZATION".
Thus, for example: "EVS application InCo through Sending Organization: CTS". Emails without the specific subject will not be included in the selection process.
The deadline to apply is the 10th of March at noon. Our email is: evs@incoweb.org
6) If you would like to apply to more than one vacancy, applications must be done separately – the documents and evaluation must be specific in different emails with proper subject.
Emails which do not follow the indications will not be processed as valid applications and will be directed again to this announcement. Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
Good Luck ;)!