Long-Term Volunteering in ELS AVETS COMMUNITY, Moià (Catalonia– Spain)

Vorresti svolgere un periodo di volontariato in Catalogna, in Spagna, nell'ambito del supporto di persone con disabilità mentali?
Se hai tra i 18 e i 30 anni, partecipa a questo progetto nell'ambito dei Corpi Europei di Solidarietà!
Da settembre/ottobre 2022 - un anno
FADEAM- Els Avets de Moià Foundation
It is a non-profit organization whose main mission is the attention and care of adult persons with intellectual disabilities. It is partially financed by the government of Catalonia. The attention is based on the relationship established with persons with disabilities to achieve an inclusive and home-like dimension. Our goal is to offer adult persons with intellectual disabilities a place to live and develop all their skills and autonomy and support them in their participation and inclusion into society. The organization is part of the International Federation of L’Arche Communities (www.larche.org) for people with intellectual disability; we are more than 150 communities around the
The aim is to establish mutual relationships, where inclusion, participation and responsibility are goals for people with disabilities both in the organization and in society. Therefore, inclusion in society is essential to be open to the world that surrounds us and be part of the life of our village.
Moianès Region is located in central Catalonia, about 50 km North of Barcelona. It has a rich historic, natural and cultural heritage. Numerous archaeological rests which prove human activity for thousands of years, caves with Palaeolithic and Neolithic rests, dolmens, castles, Romanic chapels, pre-industrial architecture remains (water mills, ice wells, lime ovens,...) prove its solid past. The population of Moià, the capital of this Region, is around 6000 inhabitants. Main economic activities: commerce, tourism and industry. Part of the population bases its economy in agriculture and stock breeding. In Moianès there are 150 associations, so the social participation is very active. We share services with different local organisations to improve the integration and the stay of volunteers and promote networking.
People who have intellectual disabilities need support in their everyday lives. In L'Arche, persons who choose to share their life, 'assist' them in a wide variety of tasks: cooking, housekeeping, medical or personal care and hygiene, gardening, social events. This is, accompany to develop their own capabilities..
We have a complete team of professionals to aid the persons with especial needs and also volunteers. Volunteering is a very important part of our project. People with disabilities often do not feel recognised and valued; the daily life and living together promote the growth of strong bonds which are an emotional support for the core members. The cultural exchange and "virtual travelling around the world" are also benefits offered by the volunteers; the effort of the people with disabilities to teach our culture to the volunteers (food, feasts, football teams, language, daily life, ...) is also important. This exchange is very rich in new, lovely, happy, fun and interesting experiences and relationships.
We have a regular team of 6 to 7 living-in volunteers.
The volunteer has a great chance of having new experiences:
Cultural: new country with different landscape, climate, feast, traditions, food, daily life, language,... Catalonia offers a rich and interesting culture, where people are wishing to establish stronger bonds with Europe and the rest of the world.
Learning: the volunteer, as part of the educational team, receives permanent training directly from the responsible persons and through the meetings with a psychologist. The volunteer has a unique chance of non-formal intercultural education which will boost social integration and active participation and will improve employment opportunities and vocations and gives the chance to increase solidarity with other people.
Personal: the volunteer will discover the people with intellectual disabilities through sharing life with them as a community experience. These persons have the great ability of making us discover who we are, let us know our limits,... then, coexistence becomes a school of life.
- Willing to meet people with intellectual disabilities
- Willing to participate in an experience of community life.
- Motivation to carry out a voluntary task, collaborating and giving as much as possible.
- Flexibility to adapt and work as a team and open-minded to help when needed
- Positive and respectful attitude
- Willing to get involved in the organization and its project.
- Responsible attitude and empathy
- Good basic knowledge of the Spanish language and interest in learning Catalan (a language spoken in
our area, along with Spanish). Knowing the basic concepts of the language helps to communicate with
people with disabilities and facilitates the integration of the new volunteer.
- Preferably have a driving license and driving experience.
Accommodation -usually in a single room, either in one of the homes or in the apartment of volunteers, subject to availability- and meals.
Weekly Spanish lessons. Catalan lessons once a week (if desired)
Non-formal training program about intellectual disabilities, first aid, house holding.
Monthly allowance: 150€ (as pocket money)
An average of service dedication of 30 to 35h /week, based on a weekly schedule. As a living-in experience the presence of volunteers is always welcome.
2 free days per week + 2 days of vacation per month (these days can be compacted to get a longer vacation period).
Volunteers through the ESC Program, will have their travel tickets, medical insurance and arrival and midterm seminars paid by the EU.
Si prega di fare domanda inviando il proprio CV in inglese e una lettera di motivazione a invio@incoweb.org, specificando nell'oggetto il titolo del progetto ESC per cui ci si candida. Inoltre, si richiede di compilare l'application form in allegato e inviarlo insieme al CV.
Qualche suggerimento per la lettera motivazionale: cerca di farci capire cosa ti interessa di questo progetto, cosa ti ha colpito, cosa vorresti imparare, quale passione hai che vorresti condividere con lo staff e gli altri volontari.
N.B. Eventuali form o richieste particolari sono da specificare via email.